Chapter 17

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Christopher Maurice Brown:

"Hey lil ma." I leaned against the door frame watching Jhene pull her shirt off and pull another one on. Everybody was down stairs, we had got our ass beat in monopoly by Nipsey and Mila.

"Hi." She replied she walked into the bathroom, I raised an eyebrow. I stood up straight making my way through her room into the bathroom closing the door. "I told Brit I would cut you loose so I gotta do that." She frowned a bit not even looking at me. I chuckled, I stood behind her pushing myself up against her. "Chris-" I wrapped her hair around my hand yanking her head back. She bit her bottom lip slightly smirking. "Please don't do this to me."

"Do what?" I spoke huskily in her ear keeping her hair in a tight grip. I used my free hand to roughly grip her face making her look at me. She couldn't resist me and I didn't wanna cut her off I was in love with her and I loved the sex. She put up a hard fight and I was addicted to her.

"C-Chris please..." her eyes closed, I pulled her head to the side by her head giving me access to her neck.

"You want me to stop?" I spoke seductively in her ear before I started placing kisses down the side of her face.

"No baby but I-I need you to stop...oh my god.." she moaned out as I reached in her jogging pants I felt how wet she was, I slipped 2 of my fingers inside her. She let out this breath, "Chris.." she mumbled I closed my eyes French kissing her neck thrusting my fingers at a slow pace. Her hand was now on the back of my head as I sucked on her neck thrusting my fingers in and out of her. She was trying to keep the moans low, her free hand had a grip on my wrist the faster I thrusted the tighter the grip.

"Still need me to stop?" I asked, I had left a hickey on her neck. I let her hair go and she pulled my hand out of her pants pushing me back. She looked at me through the bathroom mirror and she pulled her jogging pants off.

I slightly bit my bottom lip as she pulled her thongs off. She bent over the bathroom sink giving me this seductive look through the mirror. She used her finger to motion for me to come here, I unzipped my jeans pushing my boxers and my jeans down. I kicked them off my ankles, just as I was about to walk behind her she turned around putting her hand on my chest.

This look she had I couldn't describe it, but it was drawing me on more. She roughly gripped my face with one of her hands pulling my face down to hers. She pecked my lips slowly, and soft. She let my face go before she kneeled down gripping my dick in her hands.

"Jhene y- fuuuuck!" I groaned out before I could finish my sentence, she had slid all of me in her mouth. She didn't even gag, she began to slide me out of her mouth she kept my tip in her mouth and her tongue circled my top slowly before she started sucking my tip. My breathing started picking up as she slid all of me back in her mouth.

She kept all of me in her mouth as she sucked my dick, I felt my tip in the back of her throat. She hummed as she sucked me and I couldn't help but groan. "Fuck baby.." I mumbled leaning against the wall. She slapped my hand away as soon as I trained to grab her head. She pulled me out of her mouth, she used her tongue to lick my base slowly dragging her tongue down my base until she got to my tip and she shoved me back inside her mouth.

She started bobbing her head quickly and I let my head rest back against the wall, this was probably the quickest I was about to cum, she was sucking me with no problem I felt my tip continuously hit the back of her throat as she sucked the fuck out of my dick. "I love you so much Jhene fuck baby imma cum." I groaned out, she didn't even stop instead she sped up.

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