Chapter 34

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Chris pulled into the garage of the house where he did all his dirt. He kept this life style away from his family, shit got too real. He couldn't afford for niggas to be shooting up his house, so nobody knew where he lived.

He closed the garage and as soon as he got out the car he was bombarded, "Boss Diddy got a crew together like 20 niggas they coming here right now! They about to try to get at you!" Herbo explained

"How you know?" Chris asked popping his trunk, he pulled his hundred round gun out the trunk slinging the strap on the gun over his shoulder. He grabbed a desert eagle placing it on his side, he slung a sniper over his other shoulder and then picked up his favorite gun, the FAL.

It was Chris's favorite not only because it was illegal to use in the United States, but because it was a rifle that shit 700 rounds per minute it also used gas operated bullets once firing this gun? It was over for the other team, instant kill. It was no chance of survival, he had one and so did Dave.

He grabbed only ammo for his FAL so he could use it as long as he could. He closed his trunk and followed his crew inside the house, "He asked me to join his team! This nigga just desperate he was asking any nigga he seen walking by! So I'm like nigga how? That's the most powerful nigga in New York, he said we just gone sneak attack him tonight, he gone be here tonight!" He explained

"Well shit set up, these niggas don't want no smoke for real." Chris said not even bothered by the threat.

So that's what they did, Chris was staffed with over 400 men, and they were all there and posted somewhere, rather it was on the roof in the house on the side of the house, some in cars. They were prepared.

While Chris was setting up for war, Dave and Jhene was downstairs playing call of duty and Royalty had went down for her nap minutes after her dad had left.

"You suck!" Dave shouted as he killed Jhene

"Boy I'm winning!" She said mushing his head making him laugh.

Jhene had been getting consistent texts from Chris letting her know he was okay so she was at ease.

As Diddy pulled up to Chris' house, he was happy he would be getting revenge on Chris for taking his family out. He had paid Herbo everything he had left to give Chris up, and it worked. Herbo got Chris away from the house so Diddy and his crew he managed to put together could raid his house.

"You heard that?" Dave asked hearing a car screech. He paused the game getting up from the couch, he looked out the window seeing Diddy loading his gun. "Get upstairs now Jhene, grab you phone and call Chris." Dave instructed, and Jhene did as she was told running upstairs with Dave close behind her.

Dave went into his room opening his closet grabbing his FAL. He thought he would never have to commit another murder, but he wasn't about to let no niggas come up here and hurt his sister or his niece. He grabbed a MG 3 a machine gun, and a Beretta.

He walked out his room and went into Royalty's room seeing she was still sleep. "Ro." He said sitting his guns down in the chair by he door, he picked his sleeping niece up and hugged her.

"Uncle Dave you scared me!" She said sleepily.

"Look baby I need you to go in your closet and stay in there until yo daddy come get you, okay?" He instructed

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