Chapter 31

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Christopher Maurice Brown:

I didn't sleep, I watched Jhene as she slept. She was gorgeous, and she looked harmless and peaceful. Yet here I was bruised and beat up, I fucked up. Me being me and thinking I was the shit got me in this position. If I fall asleep for just a second I might not wake up, I thought I loved how crazy she was until I brought the real crazy out of her.

I sighed scooting closer to her, "Stay away from me bitch." She mumbled not moving, I didn't listen instead I grabbed her waist scooting her back against me.

"I'm sorry baby.." I mumbled, she elbowed me in my neck and I gasped as she turned to face me pushing her self back away from me.

"Go touch that bitch." She grumbled getting comfortable again. I grabbed a handful of her hair yanking her head back, I leaned over biting her bottom lip using my other hand to slip inside her pants. I slid 2 fingers inside her and she let out a small gasp, I moved too fast I didn't give her time to react, I began thrusting my fingers in and out of her at a fast pace.

"I'm sorry baby, I only want you." I mumbled against her lips as she fought to hold in her moans.

"I fuckin hate you.." she spoke breathlessly, I let her hair go and pulled her jigging pants and underwear off. I climbed between her legs placing them over my shoulders, I leaned down placing my mouth over her pussy.

The moment I started flicking my tongue against her clit and her fingers were tangled in my curls. "I'm so sorry Jhene.." I mumbled against her before I began devouring her again. Her back arched and the sounds of her moans were getting louder and louder.

"Fuck Chris..." She moaned out, and I slipped my tongue inside her, she gripped the blankets and her breathing picked up. "Stop please.." she mumbled, I looked up at her and she was wiping tears from her eyes. I moved up from in between her legs and she turned on her side and began sobbing. "How could you do that to me Chris? You used to beat guys up for cheating on me and you go and do it?! Am I not enough?!"

"You're more than enough and I was an idiot I'm so sorry baby..." I said laying next to her scooping her up in my arms. "I'm so sorry.."

"I didn't do anything to deserve that and for some fucking reason I still love you and I don't hate you the way that I want to." She admitted


"Just stop talking to me and hold me I don't wanna hear your voice or see your face but I need you to hold me because this hurts and I can't go cry to my best friend because you are my best friend..." She said in between sobs, and that really broke my heart. I let out a deep breath I didn't even know I was holding.

I'm so fucking stupid for hurting her like this. I caused too much damage and I didn't even know how to fix it. So I did what she said and I just held her, tight. I didn't say another word, I let her cry all night and I didn't loosen my grip around her not once.

She eventually turned over avoiding eye contact, she just buried her face in my neck and snuggled up against me until she fell asleep in my arms.

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed, I got up making sure I still had legs and arms and all my other body parts. I was good, I got out of bed hurrying out the room and downstairs.

"Where is Jhene?" I asked

"She went to school, Artist is at the hospital with Brit. He don't even know what's going on, and you gone tell him when he get back. What were you thinking Chris?" Uncle nip asked

"I don't know, I wasn't." I replied

"And that's your problem, I am very disappointed in you. That woman left here with the reddest face ever. How could you be so hypocritical?" He asked as I sat down. "You used to beat guys up for cheating on her and you gone go and do it?"

"I know I know. I don't know how I'm gonna fix this..." I mumbled

"I'mma tell you how you gone fix this. Artist and Brit? They're moving back to the hills with me. You now have no right hand man, you earn her trust back and you never leave her cause she obviously still want your stupid ungrateful ass. Don't you ever do that to her again, or I will let her kill you next time do you understand me?"

"Yes sir."

"How would you feel if some guy came and did that shit to royalty?"

"I would kill him.." I replied honestly

"Exactly, don't teach your daughter to let men treat her the way you just did Jhene."

"Yes sir." I replied again.

"Chris Kurupt raised you better than that, I raised you better than that. You didn't even stop after the first time, which let's her know that you didn't even feel bad, you didn't even think of her. She thinks she wasn't enough, Brit might have let that shit fly? But jhene? Jhene demands respect and she will get it however she needs to and you of all people should know that."

"I fucked up Unc."

"Yeah, and now it's time to be a damn man and fix it. Chris you just turned 18 if you wasn't ready for a relationship why get in one?"

"I am ready I don't wanna see her with nobody else, I was just being an ass and thinking arrogantly. That wasn't okay she didn't deserve that at all."

"You better sleep with one eye open cause she ain't done, you still gotta pay, and don't forget to tell artist cause if you don't I will. Understood?" He said

"Yes sir."

"Dammit nephew!" He shouted in an irritated tone. "Clean up the drama not cause it!"


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