Chapter Six: Her

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She sat before her vanity, a frown on her face. She ran the makeup wipe under her eyes, followed by sweeping it over her eyes in an attempt at removing her eyeliner and mascara from that her mom had made her put on for the benefit party they had just attended. Once they had gotten home her parents' fighting began. She didn't know why she let it bother her, she should be used to it now. She should be used to the forced dress up, portray the perfect daughter. The more she had to dress up the more she hated herself with out it. Her frown grew as she removed more of her makeup, took down her hair and the nice clothes. She stood before the mirror looking over her body. She quickly looked away pulling on a jumper and some tights before pulling on some sneakers. She stuffed her phone her pocket, marching down the stairs. As she was about to walk out the door her brother caught her stopping her.

"Where are you going?" he asked, he smelt of weed. Something a lot of people their age did.

"Out, I'll be back soon." She frowned ripping her arm out of his grip. She hugged her arms to her body as she walked into the garage, their driver wiping down the car. She smiled at him as he stood up straight, nodding at her before going back to what he was doing.

"Can you take me somewhere." She asked he stood, placing the microfiber towel down. He nodded walking around and opening the back door for her. She ignored it opening the passenger seat and climbing in, still thanking him for holding the back door open. As they backed out of the garage she wondered if her parents even heard the garage door open. She wondered if they even cared. She could feel the driver's eyes on her as he drove. She looked over at him, he wanted to say something. They made their way over the Brooklyn Bridge, she sighed again as they drove, turning here and there. Her eyes caught the sight of a bridge. It was empty, she reached over slightly grabbing the driver's arm.

"stop the car."

The car stopped abruptly. She swung the door open crawling out. She looked back at the man behind the wheel. "you can have the rest of the night off, don't worry I'll find my way home"

She didn't wait for him to reply before walking off. She wandered up the bridge stopping at the top. She hugged her body taking in the scene before her. Though it was night, you could still see the brightly light up city for the terribly lit bridge. She climbed up on the ledge taking in the feel that radiated through her. The height frightened her, she could feel a tightness in her chest, her breathing picking up. She slowly let go of the pole she was using for balance, once she was fully balanced, the fear slightly slipped away. The wind whipped around her, cooling her warmed face. She hadn't realized she was crying until she could feel the tears grown tacky from the cold wind. She took a deep breath enjoying the cold. She took a deep breath, sighing as she climbed down.

"Are you done, Miss Lindsey?"

She jumped turning back to her driver, the very one she told to leave. She frowned at the smile that appeared on his face as she knew that not only was her driver but also doubled as her bodyguard to due to all the threats her father was getting. "I thought I told you to leave Harry."

"You're not my boss, your father is." He smiled widely, "Let me do my job."

She smiled slightly, that smile falling as her sight drifted to the figure behind them. A man stood under one of the dim lights, bringing a lighter up to meet his cigarette, she could see a deep bruise on his cheek. When his head tipped up catching her gaze she instantly looked away before saying, "I'm ready."

She watched as the cityscape passed through the window. She had asked for him to take the longest route possible so he thought to show her around his home and then drive around her until she was ready to go home. She didn't know when she had fallen asleep, but when she awoke it was 5 am and she was in her own bed. A small smile spread on her face when she looked over at Harry asleep in one of the chairs his phone in hand, a Netflix movie playing on it. She crawled out of bed pulling a blanket out of her closet. She walked over to him going to pull his phone out of his hand. The slight movement waking him causing to grab her arm twisting it painfully. Her soft cry snapping him out of his sleepy trance. He instantly dropped her arm apologizing profusely. She quickly wiped away the tears that had fallen from the slight pain, she placed his phone on her desk, handing him the sheets. She ignored him walking toward her closet. Once again she stripped bare before her mirror. She didn't know why she wanted it so bad the validation that she was perfect. She looked back at Harry who was frozen in his chair, she knew he had some sort of crush on her.

"Do you think I'm perfect?" Lindsey asked, trailing her fingers from her navel to her breast. When he didn't reply she walked towards him. She stopped before him, placing her hands over his guiding it over her smooth skin.  "tell me."

"you're beyond perfect." He told her his eyes trailing up to hers.

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