Chapter Eleven: Bridge

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The violet sky glowed bright that night. Austin cursed as he nose began to bleed, something that happened too often in his opinion. He wiped his dripping nose placing his cigarette back between his lips. He looked up at the girl before him, she was staring at him. He felt a smile begin to spread on his lips when she lifted her finger to her lips as if shushing him. He didn't know why but his heart rate and respirations picked up. There was a tingling feeling in his fingers, something was wrong. He didn't know what made him make his way over to the girl before him. His was breathing heavy as he moved the two feet grabbing the girl as her body tipped forward. He wrapped his arms tightly around her as she trashed her body about in his grip. He completely ignored her begging. He wouldn't let her; he couldn't let her. Austin wondered if this decision had anything to do with what he had just done that night, the fact that he had a man's blood on his hands. Lindsey cried as she harshly threw her body in an attempt of getting out of the man's grip. She repeatedly screamed, "Just let me go! Just let me find my peace."

Austin gripped tighter, keeping his grip until she stopped. He turned her to look at him, He wiped the tears from under her eyes, pulling his sleeve over his palms and wiping her cheeks. They stood there for a bit, just staring at each other before Austin finally spoke, "It's not worth it. Come with me."

Austin took off his jacket helping her into it. They walked the short distance from the bridge to the restaurant. Lindsey's eyes bounced around taking in everything around her, all the new scenery. She almost didn't catch on to Austin turn into an ally, if it weren't for his grip on her arm, she would've kept walking. She looked at the little hole-in-the-wall Italian restaurant. She watched as the man pulled out a set of keys, sticking it in the lock and turning it until he could open the door. She followed him inside, her hand in his. Austin flicked on the lights in the kitchen, "You want some tea?" He asked her.

"Yes please," Lindsey whispered taking a seat at a small table in the kitchen. She watched as the man before her, set the kettle on the stove after filling it with water. He walked back over to her, leaning against the counter before her asking, "Tell me, where do I know you from, what's your name?"

"My name's Lindsey." She spoke looking down at her thumbs twiddling in her lap, "you probably know me from my modeling and my father, Senator Jinger"

She looked back at him waiting for his reply, waiting for him to tell her his name. He looked at her a small smile on his face. "You expectin' me to say somethin'?"

"You name?" she smiled, a small laugh escaping her lips.

"Austin, you probably don't know me." He smiled wider, "cause you know, I'm not big bucks like you."

Right as Lindsey was about to say something back to him the kettle began to whistle. She let her eyes wander over him as he walked and removed the kettle from the stove. She had to admit; he was attractive. She tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear watching him pour the hot water into a mug with a tea bag. After it seeped for a while, he added some sugar and milk before handing it to her. He crossed his arms across his chest. The next hour or so consisted of a lot of staring and silence. Austin didn't know what to say to someone who had just tried to kill themselves. He glanced at his watch; it read 6 am. He rubbed a hand over his face in an attempt to fight sleep. He took a deep breath looking at the broken woman before him. He never noticed how thin she was, he figured it was just the distance and the trauma from his fights that a skewed his vision.

"I figure you don't really want to be going home," Austin stated rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"that'd be correct." She replied placing the cup down looking into his blue-green eyes.

"I also figured you might not have someplace to go." Austin continued.

"That'd also be correct." Austin stared harder at her before sighing and standing up straight. "Look, I got an extra bed at my house and my sister would love the female company. Stay as long as you want."

Lindsey was completely struck by his offer of letting her stay at his home for however long she wanted. She felt her eyes water before she asked, "Why would you do that for someone you barely even know?"

"Because I've been where you are and trust me it's hard to get better alone." He shrugged, "plus, you're in no place to be alone or feel alone." 

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