Chapter Twenty-Six: bridge jump

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It had been a few weeks since Lindsey and Austin had last seen each other. Austin had kept himself busy working different construction sites and at Bisnonna's with a few fights here and there, while Lindsey found herself modeling for different shows and magazines keeping busy around Manhattan, and New York City. Lindsey had someone how kept herself sane with Xanax.

Austin grunted as he threw the boxes of nails out the bed of the truck into the ground. After the fourth box he stood wiping his forehead. He looked up at the billboard that had and image of Lindsey lying on a couch wrapped in some sort of fabric for some perfume add. He muttered a curse wiping the sweat from his forehead taking a seat in the bed of the truck. He looked at the beat up watch on his wrist, few more hours and he was free. He groaned when he heard his name being called.
"Yo Austin, the boys and me are heading for drinks at 5, you down?"

He turned to his coworker, he blanked when he tried to think of his name, he rubbed the bridge of his nose before replying. "Hey...Richard, sure why not."
He cursed himself mentally why did he agree? He hopped out the truck grabbing a box of nails and carrying them to the site needed.

     Lindsey lies in bed, completely spaced out. She didn't have the energy to bring herself to climb out of bed or to even eat. She wondered if she had overreacted with Austin a lot, but when those thought arose she simply took more pills. That evening she had mixed them with a few glasses of wine, making her more loopy that usual. "Lindsey...LINDSEY!"

She slowly rolled over facing her brother. Like usual he held a worn book that looked like it had for to many words that Lindsey didn't know. She simply hummed a response. Zander sighed running his hand through his messy bed head hair, probably making it messier than usual. "Dahlia and I are going out, wanna join?"

Lindsey went to shake her head, but Zander's face made her reply with a okay. She gripped her towel to her body and she climbed out of bed and walked into her closet. She shivered as if just realizing she was cold. She pulled on a thin silk croptop and some black jeans. She sighed as she walked to the mirror looking at her reflection. Her eyes here red rimmed from her crying, her face was thin and pale. She frowned at her dark bags under her eyes. She sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that night and followed Dahlia and her brother out. She took a slight notice to how they walked close, slightly bumping their shoulders.

She could feel tears well in her eyes as they pulled up to Bisnonna's. She didn't feel ready to step in there again. She told them to not wait up as they walked in. Lindsey wondered if Austin was working, was he fighting that night? Was he okay? She frowned beginning a walk to the bridge. He wasn't too far a way, about a block and a half. As she neared the bridge she couldn't help the feeling to want to throw herself over the railing. She made her way to the top looking out over the city that she had called "home" all her life. She felt an overwhelming calming as she climbed over the railing, holding herself steady on the other side.

"I feel as if I'm going psycho again." She heard Austin mutter from behind her, she turned looking at him. His icy gaze freezing her skin. "Look us, fucking recks."

She watched as he let out a laugh, he was drunk. "Me an adrenaline junkie, who gets off in getting fought and pushed around. Who's hella sensitive and have mommy issues. And look at you, inching to your death again, like you don't have a life ahead of you."

He saw his cheeks glimmer as if they were wet, she watched him swipe a hand across his face. He was crying. "You know, I know you better than anyone else. Fuck! You know me better than anyone else! WHY CANT WE FUCKING WORK!"

She watched him throw his lighter, and hit the guardrail. She waiting for him to calm down before saying, "some stories are just supposed to end sad."

She pushed back, feeling the air below her as she crashed down to the dark, rushing, waters below. The world around her spun and then it was black.

Bridge Jump (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now