Chapter Thirteen: 'Date'

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Lindsey had been staying with Austin for about three weeks now. She knew not to mention his father who had been imprisoned for one to five years. She felt bad for staying there, she had snuck money into his pockets and helped clean up the house. It was the best she could do, having had her mother cursing her out and telling her not to come home. She had noticed the growing stomach of Austin's sister. She was staying the weekend at her grandparents, so it was just her and Austin. Austin had come home and told her to put something nice one and that he was taking her out. She watched as he walked into the room in a pair of briefs, scrubbing a towel against his curly hair. Though they were both basically naked, there was nothing awkward between them. Austin glanced at her as he pulled on a pair of pants, he watched her pull a little red dress out of her black garbage bag of clothes. He stopped what he was doing to watch her shimmy into the dress. Since she'd been there, he's watched her appetite grow, and her gain some weight. Her dress was well fitted to her body. She sat on the floor before the mirror that Austin had brought in for her and put on some makeup. Austin shook his head bringing his attention to tucking his shirt before fully pulling up his pants and buttoning it. He fixed the chain around his neck that held a picture of his mother. His eyes wandering back to Lindsey, he walked over to her, extending a hand to help her get up. She had paired her dress with a pair of thick nude heels. She looked at him, how his eyes wandered over her, she didn't even remember the mean things she thought about herself.

The drive was quiet, Austin glanced over at her before apologizing, "sorry for the quiet drive, my car was broken into and they stole my radio." Lindsey simply nodded, assuring him it was okay. They pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant that Austin considered a nice one. He didn't know why but he wanted to impress Lindsey. Over the last three weeks, though he hadn't really spent much time with her, they did share a bed. He also wanted to thank her for picking his sister up from school every day and doing all the girl-talk he never truly could. Even though Lindsey had been too far fancier restaurants somehow, she found herself amazed by the entire outing. When they entered Austin smiled at the host, they embraced each other. Lindsey zoned out of their conversation before Austin slightly nudged her. She focused back on Austin's extended hand, she smiled as she took it. His friend led them to a table in the back away from the crowded front area. Austin pulled the chair out for Lindsey to which she smiled widely at him thanking him as she sat. After his friend finished placing the menus on the table down, he pulled him aside.

"Gray, man, I owe you one big time. Thanks, man." Austin whispered, thanking him profusely.

"No big deal man, but don't forget you got a fight tonight, supposedly it's big money too."

Austin grimaced at the reminder of his fight. He nodded giving Grey's shoulder a pat before returning to the table where Lindsey sat going over the menu. He felt kind of nervous, he wiped his hands off on his pants before taking a seat before her. She smiled at him, her white teeth sparkling. She looked genuinely happy, she felt genuinely happy. The corner of his lips quipped up into a smirk, his stomach erupted in butterflies when he tried to speak, the stutter he thought he'd overcome years ago coming back. Lindsey giggled slightly, looking down at the menu in her hands. Austin gave up and trying to say something returning to the menu in his hands, he could feel his face burning. The waiter that arrives alleviating some of Austin's stress.

"Good Evening, my name's Eric and I'll be your waiter tonight. Would you like to start with drinks?" He smiled at them waiting. Lindsey glanced up at Austin before saying. "I'll take water with lemon please."

Austin let out a sigh of relief before asking for the same. He watched Lindsey smiled glancing up at him through her lashes as their waiter left to fetch their drinks. She looked around, taking in the scene around her. It had that fancy feel to it, she only hoped it didn't burn a hole in Austin's pocket. His voice catching her off guard, "What's on your mind?"

She looked back to Austin, the smile returning to her face, "nothing, just thinking."

"About?" he asked leaning forward on the table giving her all his attention. She sighed replying, "money, the cost of this. I don't want you to spend a lot of money on me."

"And if I wanted to spend money on you?" Austin continued his signature smirk returning to his face. "Lindsey, don't worry about it. Really, I got good money coming in. Think of this as a date."

She felt her cheeks blush at the mention of the word date. She nodded her head looking back at the menu. The sound of a chair moving drew her attention back up to Austin moving closer to her, so they sat more next to each other instead of across from each other. She laughed as he dropped in his seat dramatically propping his head up on his elbow looking at her.

"Riddle me this," Austin smiled "how are you feeling? Truly feeling?"

Lindsey's smile dropped slightly. That wasn't a question she usually got asked. She took a deep breath, tucking some hair behind her ear before replying, "for the first time in a long time, good."


As they drove home Austin kept glancing at his watch, his fight was coming up. Lindsey caught on to it, asking, "Got somewhere to be?"

"um.... yeah, I kinda do," Austin muttered turning at the light, then proceeding down his street, parking in front of his home. He and Lindsey climbed out the car, Austin waited for her to catch up before they continued to the front door. He sighed as he pushed open the door he had just unlocked. He thought of telling Lindsey, He watched her walk past him. He sighed again for what felt like the hundredth time that night.

"Hey, look... I got a fight," he rubbed the back of his neck, "Wanna come?"

Lindsey nodded before walking up the stairs. Austin followed her into his bedroom. He quickly stripped off his nice clothes before slipping to a pair of joggers and his usual hoodie. He was about to pull his boxing sneaker out from his closet when Lindsey called for his name. "Austin, could you help me a second?"

Austin stood up straight walking over to her, He watched her move her hair out the way of the zipper that she was waiting for him to pull. He let his eyes wander over her frame, how she filled out her dress. As he stood behind her he kept eye contact with her reflection in the mirror as he pulled the zipper of her dress down. Lindsey couldn't tear her eyes away from his, she could feel his finger skim her skin as he pulled the zipper. Her breath slightly hitched when he reached the small of her back. Then it ended, the dress was completely unzipped. Austin then resumed what he had been doing previously leaving Lindsey standing before her mirror; skin flushed.

"Dress comfortable, we may have to run." 

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