Chapter 1, Christmas hyperactivity.

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It was almost Christmas, I had told my parents that I was going to be with Yuri for 3 days; Christmas eve, Christmas, and Boxing day. My parents learned of my relationship with Yuri after the festival, and they kinda shipped us. I asked Yuri to tell her mum that she had an addiction to cutting herself. I wasn't there when Yuri's mum came over; and at some point she said that she told her mum about our relationship.

We had planned this sleepover half a week in advance; seeing Yuri's parents were going to a family reunion on Christmas day, I thought that I should come over on the day before. So I gave my parents their presents 2 days early, while unwrapping them they teased me with 'mistletoe' jokes. I knew they didn't know that I had lost my virginity, but they still annoyed me with those jokes.

I said my farewells to my parents, but then realized I had left my bag; so I ran inside, hoping to find the bag quickly; I had packed 2 shirts, 2 pairs of jocks, 2 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of socks, and the book me and Yuri had begun to read (Necrophobic Encounter). I had found it under my bed, I grabbed it, and rushed to Yuri's. We planned that I'd come over at 1. I had jogged to her house seeing I was already slightly late.

I had arrived at her house within a few minutes, I had put on my best shirt, some dress shoes, and some jeans. I knock at her door, I hear some footsteps. I then see the doorknob turn, then open to a woman with long black hair around her late thirties. I say "H-hey, Josephine!" She says "Hey Alex! Merry Christmas!" She pulls me into a hug, we break from the hug after a second. She then says "Uh- Yuri's getting dressed, she woke up half an hour ago."

I think for a moment. Yuri's like me, waking up late, and going to bed late. I say, "W-well my parents had to wake me up at 11, so I'm not any b-better." She giggles then motions for me to come inside, once I enter, I take off my shoes and place my bag at the door. I then think for a second. Where would Yuri's mum and and dad sleep? Josephine must be reading my mind because right as I finish the thought, she says, "Me and Greg will be sleeping in the spare bedroom upstairs." I say "I-I guess I'll sleep on the couch then?" She shakes her head. "No, this is a special time of year Alex."

She chuckles, I force myself to smile. I then hear some steps come from the stairs, I look over to see a tall guy in around his late thirties, hes pretty buff with brown hair, hes wearing a t-shirt that says 'cold beer here', the c is crossed out. I say "Hey Greg!" He smiles and says, "Nice to meet you Alex." For his body, his voice is surprisingly similar to mine, but not an exact replica.

He finishes descending the stairs, then shakes my hand; he then kisses Josephine on her cheek and says, "Well, Yuri's been talking to us about you, I hope you're the man she says you are." I cant help but shudder a bit at the fact that a guy of his stature is saying this. He then says "Well, I'll go a little easy on ya, seeing she said you're a bit shy too." The tension in the air is lifted, I hear a door open upstairs, my heart flutters.

 I look up, I see Yuri walk into my vision. Her hair has no clips, and because of this; her hair flows down her back, making her look even more graceful. Shes wearing a really nice black shirt, half of it is cut off, exposing her shoulder and stomach. Shes also wearing the same black tights from before. This is rather flirtatious for Yuri. I try not to stare, but I'm still stunned. Once shes descended the stairs, she looks up at me and blushes lightly. She walks over to me and says, "H-hi Alex." I smile and pull her into a hug, she doesn't get worried, and returns it. We release from the hug, and once we do, I feel myself already moving to the couch.

We scoot over to the lounge very slowly, and once we're close, we sit on the couch very close to each other. I feel like Yuri's parents are watching my every move, so I'm a lot less physically demanding; but Yuri on the other hand, is really physical, she moves her hands over my lap, I feel tingly; at this moment in time I REALLY hope my bloodflow doesn't betray me. I move closer to her, I really wished that I didn't do this as my dick instantly gets harder then diamond.

I look up to the other side of the room; Yuri's parents aren't there, I sigh in extreme relief; she looks up at me, then says "A-Alex... I-I think that, w-we should move away from e-each other for a bit..." She then retreats for a bit, then reclaims the space. "W-well, I g-guess I could... Th-they're in the kitchen so..."

I then move a bit further away. She suddenly puts her arms around my back. I try to move away, but instead she pulls me closer to herself, I say "Y-Yuri! I don't want y-your parents w-walking in on us k-kissing." She says "Alex, if th-they can smooch, well s-so can we." She then pulls me into a hug, forcing me to move closer. Its not that I don't want Yuri to be physical, but I just don't want to give the impression to her parents that I'm a touchy guy, which I'm not.

I lean in to kiss her, my tendencies take over. I open my mouth slightly, she also moves in; we slowly move into a kiss, I feel her lips meet mine, I fall into Yuri's endearing trance, the world disappears. I move in closer; we suddenly realize if her parents walk in they'll be disgusted, so I move out of the suggestive position I'm in, but Yuri moves into the same position I was in only seconds ago. I hear footsteps, so I jump up and pull away.

But I open my eyes, no-one. I hear Yuri sigh, "Alex, if you don't like m-me, then j-just say it..." My ears deceive me, I almost instantly say "Yuri, I'd like to be able to do this, but I don't want to give any bad ideas to your parents; if they walk in on us kissing, me on top of you; they'll kill me." She visibly swallows, then says "W-well, can I at least hug you-"

I embrace her tightly and pull her closer. I feel her moving her head, she begins to nuzzle my neck with her hair; my heart flutters. After about 70 to 80 seconds of hugging, I begin to move away, and so does Yuri. And with that, I open my mouth to start a conversation with her.

Christmas Violets (Yurixreader) (Yurixmaincharacter)Where stories live. Discover now