Chapter 9, Bittersweet

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Darkness, more darkness, even more of it. I cant move. I hear something metal collide with the floor. I know what it is. A knife. I look down, all I see is black. My eyes excrete as many tears as possible. My body heats up; I look over, white arms with red lines across every angle are wrapped around me, I look up to be met with daring purple eyes, a little nose, and reddened cheeks; I didn't understand it, but I felt a connection with this person. I felt something smooth curl around my shoulders and chest; purple hair. I stare at the features for hours and hours, each one gives me a burst of passion, and the warmth heats up.       The tears stop.

I've grown to loving this person, I know her personality; and though we've spoke no words, I hear her voice louder then any other; even my own. But at some point in our time, she pulls out a butcher-knife with a huge black handle, and flashes it before my eyes. I try to scream, but I cant muster a single sound. She sticks it into my stomach, but I feel no pain, but just seeing the blood rush from my stomach makes the rest in my body go colder then ice. She pulls it out, and licks the knife, cutting a small bit of her tongue; the blood drips from it onto my chest. She cuts her hair off, letting it fall into the darkness. She then skims the knife over her cheeks, giving them a new shade of red; then she cuts her nose off clean, letting the blood from her cheeks and nose flow all over my stomach. I close my eyes, but all I see is darkness. I re-open them to be met with her thrusting the knife into her stomach, she screams. She then pulls it out and puts it into my neck, she turns it around, but I still feel no pain. And when she pulls it out, she uses all her force left. T o. S i n k. T h e. K n i f e. I n t o. H e r. C h e s t.                                      I'm gutted; physically, and mentally. The crying worsens.

I wake up, gasping for air; I look to where I am; I'm covered in sweat, and arms are wrapped around me "ALEX!" This scream jolts me back to reality, I look up, terrified. Its Yuri, her face is covered in tears. I notice I'm being cushioned by her boobs, but I quickly pull away. I state "I-I just had th-the worst nightmare." She pulls me into her breasts again, she says "I-I'm sorry f-for yelling, I just... Was w-worried."

I notice that we're covered in sweat, still in my dumbfounded state, I ask "D-did I-I hurt you?" She pulls me closer to her face then says "No; d-do you remember the dream?" I try to remember it, and I somehow do. But just the thought of it gives me chills.

I inform "W-well, it was where I was surrounded by complete d-darkness. And I began crying, but then you suddenly wrap your arms around me. It was like living through our relationship all over again, but then you suddenly pull out a knife and... You cut my stomach open, then you licked the blood off the knife... You then... C-cut off a bit of your cheeks, then you sliced your nose clean off... All the blood drips onto me, and you- you stick the knife into my neck and t-turn it around; and then you pull it out; and thrust the knife into your chest, that's when I woke up."

She looks at me with a worried expression; she states "I-I wouldn't d-do something like that." I pull her in with all my strength, but in doing so, I hadn't noticed my rock hard erection; so it pokes into her leg. I almost instantly say "Sorr-" She interjects a kiss, and because I had been sweating profusely, it would have been salty if it weren't for the sweet moment she gave me.

I pull away and say "It was a dream, I know you wouldn't do anything like it." She must realize the suggestive position we're in, because she says "W-we should get dressed; if my p-parents walk in, y'know, they'll tease us." I peck her cheek then move out of her clutches. We slowly get out of our position, and leave the bed. Once out, we find our clothes, and get dressed. I notice Yuri taking glances at me, so I glance at her butt and say "What're you looking at red cheeks."

She blushes while smirking, then says "You're funny Alex." I had noticed that Yuri picked up on my banter, this made me think of her as growing into a more social person. But I believed I only slightly helped her; joining the club would have benefited her more then just me; but she must be reading my mind because she says "Alex, you know, you've helped me grow so much in these past few weeks."

I'm dressed, so I walk over to her, and say "I was only a quarter of the effort; I think the club did more then me; and half of it was yourself." She smiles and opens her arms, inviting me to an embrace, I accept it. I walk into her arms and say "Yuri, you're truly the best." She nuzzles her head against my neck, allowing her hair to flow from her head to over my back. We do this for a bit; but I note shes still half naked, so I pull away and say "How about you g-get dressed, before your parents see this."

She grabs her shirt, and slips it on, but her rack is still noticeable. I turn my head, feeling a slight blush creep across my cheeks. She giggles then says "Alex, you can look; b-because when you do, y-you make me feel pretty." I'm stunned from her words, she wants me to look? I ask to reassure myself "Really?" I'm met with "Mhm!" I start to look at her face as she puts on her jeans, but my hormones tell me to look down, so I do.

I look at her curves flow like a river, they bend one way, and then another. I slowly put my gaze upwards, and I look at the necklace, it really does suit the clothing shes wearing. I feel my blush escape, and I'm satisfied; she finishes putting on her jeans, so I hold my hand out to her. She takes it and we both walk to the door; I notice that its cracked open slightly. My heart drops, they peaked, didn't they. I look to Yuri before I open the door, she looks back at me and says "I bet they already saw us, but Alex, I-I honestly don't care, I want to show you to the world!" I'm again surprised by her courage; but I understand her this time, I feel like I want to show everyone my love for Yuri too. I open the door, and look to the stairs...

Christmas Violets (Yurixreader) (Yurixmaincharacter)Where stories live. Discover now