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In the first book, the MC is in many ways, a lot like Yuri; he shares the same shy attitude, and he enjoys reading!
On the first day, Alex (MC) gets a house tour, helps Yuri with cooking dinner, they share a kiss, he  has supper with Yuri, she teaches him how to make Oolong tea, they watch The Conjuring and The Shining, they read for about 2 hours; Yuri decides that its childish to not share a bed, so they end up sleeping in Yuri's room. When Alex wakes up, she isn't there.

On the second day, Alex walks out of his room to find Yuri walking to her own room in her underwear (She'd just taken a shower.), Yuri makes toast with jam, they share their slices of toast in an almost spaghetti sharing way, they make-out a shit ton, they read while having some sips of Oolong tea, once finished with the book, they discuss it; after that, they watch a trashy romance, they make lunch, have it, then Alex decides to go grab his jacket from his house; Yuri comes with him, and they spend a bit of time kissing there.

They get back to Yuri's house, and talk about interests, careers they want to pursue, favourite bands, she shows him her knife collection, and they even get into a truth or dare! Yuri gets a little sexual with some of the questions though... They talk some more, then share two-minute noodles; after that, they discuss the club a bit, and talk about how much they love each other; Yuri grabs her laptop, and watches some Youtube with Alex (They watch VR chat funny moments, and listen to lots of Classical and 80's music.) They fall asleep in Yuri's bed, and the next day when Alex wakes up, he kisses her good morning.

On the third day, Alex makes some pancakes for the both of them, and he charms her a lot! They end up head-over heels for each other by the time its 9 AM, and they're beginning to open up to each other when it comes to sexual stuff; they start to cool down a bit, trying to suppress their feelings. Yuri talks with Alex about school, and learns a bit about his general life, he does the same with her, and figures out that her only friends were in the literature club! Natsuki texts Yuri, and asks her to ask Alex if he's watched hentai before... He comes clean!

They make lunch, and share their little portions! Alex asks Yuri if he could see her arms, he gets a hint at her cutting, and finds out about it; he's left close to the brink of crying. Yuri tells him that without him, she wouldn't have been here anymore; after this, Alex asks if shes told her parents about this; she hasn't. He asks her if she could tell her parents about it when they get back from their trip, she obliges, and asks if she could get her mind off of it with something; she suddenly kisses him deeply, and they root later on. They fall asleep after having some fun time with each other.

On the fourth day, they wake up naked, holding each other, and so they get dressed, and have breakfast; this time, its toast again, but guess what? Dun-dun dun! Its a different spread!

I'm gonna leave it there.

I altered the story a lot in that summary, know that only a bit of the first two days is what the original story is, and the rest is all made up just then; I still think its a bit better than the original!

Oh, and here's the house tour for reference. Remember, I was bad.

I take a step, I'm stunned by the house's beauty, the walls are in a cream and blue striped pattern, the lounge can be seen from the first step, the floor is a cream, polished wooden texture. I see a remote on one of the three lounges, it looks very intricate with over 30-40 buttons. The couch itself looks luxurious, the cream color doesn't shy on either one, and there are fluffy white cushions; one per couch.

Christmas Violets (Yurixreader) (Yurixmaincharacter)Where stories live. Discover now