Chapter 8, Wholesome moments

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I grab the wrapping paper, and get off the bed; I walk over to the door, and turn the handle whilst pushing. It opens, and Yuri follows me out with a handful of the wrapping paper. I close the door, and then descend the stairs. I get to the kitchen and open the cupboard from before; I put my wrapping paper in the bin, then I move out the way to let Yuri do the same. She finishes and closes the cupboard door.

I simply stare at the necklace, it suits the clothing shes wearing; but I break my gaze from it so I don't look like I'm staring at her boobs. But she must've noticed because she states "D-do you think the necklace looks nice?" I take a step forward and say "Yuri, it looks amazing with the color of your clothes; but its only a bonus to your looks." She moves over to me and says "I still cant believe you put money on something for me; h-how much did this even cost?"

I'm not going to lie in this next sentence "It was... five-hundred-and-fifty-nine dollars, I think, but somewhere around that." She gasps "A-Alex, really?" I nod, her eyes widen, she clenches to my hands really tightly, she noticeably swallows, then says "I-I only spent one-hundred dollars, sorr-" I interject a tighter grip on her hands, I say "Don't worry, you're gifts are permanent, the two boxes of tea aren't." I pull her into my arms again, but this time; our ears are at our noses.

I drift my hands behind her back and lower leg, and pick her up, which is really easy. She giggles uncontrollably, but I start to drift her sideways, I'm essentially holding her in a bridal style. She stops giggling and makes an "Ooo" sound. I then say "Yuri, nothing is better then you." I then lean in slightly; she gets where this is going, she closes her eyes and pushes her lips out. This moment is too perfect; I move in slowly, and I pull her up slightly. I press my lips to hers, she moans; this makes me believe that this moment is the best shes experienced so far.

I slide my tongue to her lips, she opens her eyes and I pull away; she says "I want more." I pull her back into my lips, and just before they meet, she says "Thanks." I lick at her pink lips, then stick my tongue in. She moans really hard, which gets me going; I start to slowly set her down on the floor as I continue to lick at her defenses. Once on the floor, I pull away and say "Lets go read." She smiles, and I give her a hand to pull her up; she takes it, we walk hand-in-hand, and we walk back up the stairs at a slow pace.

We get to the entrance of her room, so I open the door, Yuri lets go of my hand and walks to the bed. I close the door, and walk back over to her side, she seems to have the book already, so I sit next to her; she scoots over to my lap. The smell from before still lingers in the air, but its nice, so I don't mind. She opens the book, and flicks through a few pages before finding the one we left off on. She moves her head to the left, and I do the opposite. We begin reading.

We read for what feels like 2 hours. But Yuri suddenly lets out a cutesy yawn, so I ask "Do you want to rest?" She looks over to me, she has some slight bags under her eyes, she says "Y-yeah." She looks at the book for a second, then closes it. She suddenly jumps off of me and says "We forgot to drink the tea..." I look over to the two cups at the desk, and say "Sorry, its my fault, I'm the one who started us off." She smiles at me then says "I think that the tea is less important then the time we spent." I proclaim "I agree." I get up and off the bed and walk over to the two teacups.

I pick them both up and say, "I'm just gonna go wash these out, I'll be back up in a minute." She waves to me as I leave the room, I walk downstairs, and get to the kitchen, I wash the tea out of the cups, and place them on the sink. I walk out the kitchen, and turn the lights off, one-by-one, and begin my trek back to Yuri's room. 

I get to her door and knock lightly, I hear footsteps, then the door opens; I'm met with a sight that almost knocks me over, shes naked. Yuri motions me to come in; so I do. Once I enter, she shuts the door, and surprises me by pouncing on me; I somehow hold I her weight, I put my arms around her ass to stop her from falling; I carry her to the bed. I get there and turn backwards, she falls off my back, and onto the bed. I walk to the other side, and I begin stripping, and half-way through, I get an erection from the sight of Yuri. Once nude, I slip under the covers.

I figure that because the bedside lamp is on this side of the bed, that I should turn it off. I switch it off, and turn to see Yuri with her arms out; her assets are spilled onto her left arm. I move in and let my head rest in her arms and boobs; they feel like hot, fleshy cushions, so I really don't mind. She rests her head in a purple cushion, with her nose to my forehead. This feels so comfortable that I actually start to drift off, her heat transfers to me more then ever before.

I pull away from being buried in her assets and look into her eyes, even in the dark, they sparkle like stars. I whisper "Yuri, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, y'know that?" I then kiss her cheek; shes still stuck in a daze, but she must be taken out of it, because she locks her lips into mine. In a moment like this, I somehow feel sleepy. 

After ages of kissing, I pull away, and close my eyes. I start to rest my head in her boobs again; and she eases back into my forehead. The nice smell returns, I close my eyes, and let the sleepiness take over...

Christmas Violets (Yurixreader) (Yurixmaincharacter)Where stories live. Discover now