Chapter 4, Moving on

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Yuri seems really comfortable, she starts to close her eyes; not tired, probably just embarrassed. With her eyes closed, she looks even cuter then she already does, I cant help but stare; her beauty shines in my eyes. I use my peripherals to have a glimpse at Josephine and Greg, they're looking at me.

I don't break my gaze from Yuri, after a while of searching her masterpiece of a face, she slowly opens her eyes and immediately blushes, I break the gaze and look over to the TV. I feel her tightly squeezing my hand, I look back over to her to see a starstruck expression.

I smile, but then suddenly, her expression breaks into an excited one. She suddenly pushes her hand that's griping mine, into the veins in my wrist, this doesn't hurt but it surprises me. I giggle a little, but I don't break my third gaze from Yuri.

She begins to laugh too, causing her parents to laugh, its like a chain reaction of laughs, from me to Yuri to her parents. I feel amazing in this moment, I knew I was missing something in my life... I slowly halt my laughter, and everyone else follows suit.

Once we're finished with laughing, Yuri puts her hand around my waist. Greg says "I think she might be the touchy one!" Yuri blushes really hard, then stutters "D-dad, don't e-embarrass m-me in f-front of Alex..." Greg seems a bit downcast, but he lightens his mood when he says "Sorry Yuri, I forgot that parents are annoying."

She frowns then says "I don't h-hate you, I-I just don't like being humiliated i-in front of A-Alex." Josephine clearly snickers, then says "I don't think you were humiliated." I then pause the slight awkwardness with "I find it sweet that you care enough about me to not want to seem embarrassing around me."

I really don't know how I didn't stutter during the whole sentence, I usually fail at least one word during a small sentence, let alone a big one! Greg clearly looks impressed by my words, he states "Again, well said." Yuri also seems taken aback by my words, I really do find it weird that Yuri even cares about a simple guy like me. I check my watch, 9:27.

Not late at all, but I hear Josephine get up and say "I don't want to wake up late tomorrow, so I'll be getting ready for bed now." Greg also gets up, and says "What she said." He walks in our direction, so I naturally move a tiny bit to signal Yuri to move a bit; it seems to work. I get up and hold my hand out to help Yuri up, she gladly takes my hand and gets up.

Once Yuri is up, I say "Its nice meeting you G-Greg." I hold my hand out to shake his, he shakes my hand and says, "Pleasure meeting my daughters boyfriend!" It seems Yuri has said goodnight to her mum, so I walk over to her to also say my farewell, I say "G-goodnight Josephine, its been nice t-to meet you."

She smiles and says, "You can just call me Jo if you want, and its been nice meeting you too!" She pulls me into a hug, and after a second, we break, and they both ascend the stairs, I ask "Y-Yuri, do you want some oolong t-tea? She fidgets with her hair while saying "Y-yes please, I'll h-help grab the items." With that, I walk over to the kitchen and prepare to make some tea.

We finish making the tea, and once we put away the utensils, we walk back to the lounge. I put my teacup on one of the place mats set out, and walk to my bag. I open one of the compartments; while turning towards Yuri, I ask "Would you like to read?" She nods while giving me an audible confirmation. I grab the book and sit next to her, she shifts herself onto my lap, which makes me tingle. Once she finishes adjusting herself, she whispers "Remember wh-when I said I need to be punished?"

I gulp and whisper back a "Yes, let me guess, now you want me to..." I trail off again, this time from embarrassment. Yuri adjusts her angle so shes face-to-face with me, then says "Later!" Oh, she really had me there for a second. Still shocked at her teasing manners, I say "L-lets read then?" I'm kind of stunned, its really amusing that Yuri, an introvert; is teasing me.

I open the book, and place it on her lap; I then adjust my angle slightly to the right so I can still read the book.

After the second chapter is finished, I look down at my watch; 10:13. Its not late for me, so I ask "Yuri, a-are you tired?" Shes in one of her trances with reading the book; I place my hand on her shoulder. It seems to snap her out of the trance, so I repeat "Are you tired Y-Yuri." She says "No, are you?" I put my hand through her hair and fumble with it for a bit, then answer "Nah, just wanted t-to see if you were tired."

She turns slightly and says, "Y-you know Alex, I've never spent Christmas with anyone other then family, because I-" I cut her off with a kiss, she seems to have expected it, as she already had her eyes closed.

After a while of searching each others mouths with our tongues, we finish making-out, so I say "Yuri, you're the best." She states "I think that we're the perfect couple Alex." I start to move my hand through her locks of hair again.

I tease her with "I think you're perfect, not me." She moves herself down my lap, making me hard instantly. She then states "We're perfect for each other." I nod in agreement, in hopes to get her off my lap, but it doesn't work at all. I hear her breaths from here; but I really want to read again, I'm not in the mood to be this physical. I say "H-how about w-we go back to reading?" She moves off my lap and says "Y-yeah, I want to read for a bit." I take a sip of my tea and start to focus on reading.

 At some point, I realize that we had been reading for a while, so I looked at my watch, 11:57. I get an idea, so I ask "Hey Yuri, are you tired, cuz I'm not." She responds with "No; I think I might make some tea, would you like some?" I nod. She gets up and walks over to the kitchen, but I'm left sitting there, so I get up and walk over, I'm frightened when I walk around the corner; Yuri is holding the huge knife. I say "Y-Yuri, please, don't do it." She puts the knife back in its place; I sigh in relief whilst walking over to her. Once I reach her, I pull her into an embrace, she seems to be whimpering. I pull my head away from her and ask "Yuri, you know I love you more then a-anything, right?" Yuri begins to cry, but I don't let it interfere with my emotions, I need to stay strong for her. I hold her tighter, this seems to help her crying slow down, but only slightly. I kiss her cheek, I'm happy I did so, because she stops crying and returns it with a passionate smooch. I taste her tears, but it doesn't matter, all that matters in this moment is making Yuri happy.

Christmas Violets (Yurixreader) (Yurixmaincharacter)Where stories live. Discover now