Chapter 12, Alone again

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I continue to do this for a while, and as I do a stroke, I check my watch; its 1:28. My head instantly tells me that Yuri's parents are probably suspicious, so I say "I-it should have cooled down by now." I retract my hand from her hair, and walk over to the four cups; I take two, and Yuri copies me.

We walk over to the lounge, holding the cups, and once we arrive; we set the four cups on the coasters, and sit on the lounge opposite to Yuri's parents. Greg asks "What is it? It smells... Nice and sweet." Yuri explains "I-its sujeonggwa, its a ginger and cinnamon mix." Jo says "Sounds good, but really sweet." They both grab their cups, and lift them to their mouths; they take a sip, then have a mouthful.

I have a sip from my own cup; its sweeter then Natsuki's cupcakes, but that's not a bad thing. I set the cup down and look over to Yuri; she looks serene. I- how? How?! How can someone look this perfect? Shes holding the cup with her left hand, her hair flows around her hand, and into the cup a little. Her eyes are looking at mine, and her slight blush of the yellowish kind is covering her cheeks and nose slightly. Her grin hides the mouthful of sujeonggwa, but her cheeks look like their ready to explode.

I look on in awe, as she places the cup back down on the table. Once its out of her grip, she looks over to her parents, and I somehow break my gaze from her, and glance over to them. They seem happy, their faces are that of glee. I ask "I-is it good?" Jo gulps the rest down, then says "Its really nice, but we should only have this every now and then; we'd get fat if we had this every day!" I chuckle a single laugh, then direct my eyes to Greg, he announces "Overall, this is the best sweet thing I've tasted!"

Yuri follows them up with "I think this would go well with reading, its sweet, but it has a little bit of a bitter aftertaste; its honestly prestigious." I cant help but smile at their kindness; I say "Thanks, it means a lot to me that you all like it."

We continue to sit and take sips from our cups; and once I'm finished with my cup, I note the emptiness of everyone else's cups, and take three of the empty ones. Yuri gets up, and takes the remaining cup, whilst asking "C-can I take one of th-those?" I nod, and hold out one of the two cups held in my right hand; she takes it and follows me to the kitchen.

We arrive, so I set the two cups in the sink. Yuri places her two cups next to the two I had set, then suddenly puts a hand to my left cheek. I don't know why, but in the moment, I freeze; she moves until shes behind me then whispers in my ear "They're leaving soon." How does she do this? She didn't stutter once, and shes captivated me with just a touch of my cheek, and a sexual inference.

I stutter "I-I cant w-wait to w-watch th-the fireworks with you." She pulls her hand away from my face, and apologizes "Sorry, I-I shouldn't t-touch you without permission, I-I embarrassed you, didn't I?" She takes a step backward, and I turn around quickly. I hold her by her sleeves, and look her in the eyes. I say "Y-Yuri, don't doubt yourself, know that you're making me love you more by doing that."

She looks down, lower, and lower, until shes looking at the ground. I feel the sting of not blinking for a while in my eyes, but I also believe its from the turmoil Yuri is experiencing. A tear escapes my eye, and falls onto the floor, then another does the same. Yuri looks up to me, then says "A-A-Alex, why d-do yo-you care?" She sheds a few of her own tears, then says "You don't deserve t-to have a b-bro-broken per-" "Stop."

I say this in a quiet voice, I need to be nice, not forceful. I pull her close, and say "Y-Yuri, please, know that i-if you're sad, I-I-I'll be sad." I close my eyes, and let my tears flow down my face; to my surprise, she pushes her cheek into mine, and says "Alex, I-I don't know why y-" I kiss her cheek, the tears from it surround my lips. I shush her, and stutter "I-I-I love you so, so m-much." Her tears only worsen; I don't know what to say, or do anymore.

I move my head to the side a bit, and assault her cheek with kisses. She giggles, but doesn't stop crying; I move myself so that our bodies are together, and kiss her lips. It was only a quick kiss; I don't want to intrude on her personal space too much; but she reassures that she wants a kiss by pulling me back into one. I taste her tears in my mouth, but I continue.

I feel her tongue enter my mouth at an accelerated rate; I try to fight it back with my tongue, but this only starts a tongue duel. I put my tongue under hers, and lift it up; she moves hers to the back of my throat, I gag a bit. I feel her tongue retreat, then return; she must have accumulated slaver, because my mouth feels almost ocean-like.

I lick at her tongue for a while, then notice that her whimpering had stopped. I pull my tongue away for a second, while tugging at her shirt. She pulls away from the deep-kiss, leaving a string of gullet connecting us. I open my eyes, to see hers closed, with a smile on her face that could only be adored. I catch my breath, and say "Yuri, please, don't down yourself; i-it hurts me... To see you do it." She looses her grip while opening her eyes, and asks "I-I just don't know why you care about me."

I'm not phased by her words, in fact, they help me do something; "Yuri, its because I love you; sharing a few hobbies and having the same thoughts on things, they only make me like you more then I already did; I cant explain it, its like every bit of me is shouting your name." Her grip re-tightens, she kisses my cheek, then raises herself to my height with her tippy-toes; Yuri might be tall, but not as tall as me. I look into her amethyst eyes, and start another soul-kiss.

She falls into me, and wraps her hands behind my back. I hold her weight, and lift her up from off the ground a bit. She puts one of her hands through her hair, and frizzles it up; I pull her up higher, and have a tussle with her tongue and my own.

I do this for a good minute, then set her down on the floor. I push her away a bit, and lick at her tongue one more time, before I pull my head away from hers. She opens her eyes, and says "Alex, I feel s-so happy!" She quickly pecks my lips, then puts her arm under my left armpit, and says "Lets say g-goodbye to mum and dad." I nod, and walk her over to the living room again.

We get to the lounge, Greg and Jo seem to be upstairs; so I say "How about we w-wait for them?" She nods at the same time as making a sound like "Mhm!" I take her to the couch, and we simultaneously sit down. I look over to her, and say "You know, I've never watched the fireworks before." She looks down, then says "I-I've only seen it once." I'm surprised, shes only seen it once? I've never watched them, I always thought that they were really stupid.

We sit on the couch, cuddling; and after a while, I hear a door upstairs open. We both turn our heads to the sudden sound; Jo and Greg are holding each others hands, and Greg is carrying a suitcase with his free hand. They descend the stairs, and so we get up; I walk over to Greg, and Yuri walks to Jo. I hold out a hand to shake as I say "It was nice meeting you Greg!" He takes my hand, and answers with "Yeah, it was nice meeting you too!"

He takes his hand away, and takes a step in Jo and Yuri's direction. I follow suit, and walk over to Jo; she holds her arms out, I accept the embrace, and as I do this, she says "Thanks for coming over, and also for making that delicious..." "Sujeonggwa." I conclude her sentence. I state, "Thanks for even letting me come over!" She releases me, then announces, "Its honestly no big deal, if you're parents are fine with it, you can come over if we're not busy!" I smile bashfully, then state "Thanks! I'll see ya!" She waves both me and Yuri off as she takes Greg's hand while walking to the door. They open it, and both holler in unison- "Bye!" With that, the door shuts, and we're left alone. Alone again...


I'm not gonna lie; I got bored of writing for a bit cuz I hit a writers block, but I'm back at it, so yeah...

Also, also, school holidays will be over soon; so... My upload schedule will slow RIGHT down. Just wanted to give a heads up, just in case.

Peace, my beasts.

Christmas Violets (Yurixreader) (Yurixmaincharacter)Where stories live. Discover now