Chapter 6, Soul Stripper

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I don't move my head too much, but once I get enough room to put my free hand there, I pinch Yuri's nipple hard, she moans as quiet as she can. (loud) I notice that I haven't drank the milk that's in my mouth, so I gulp a little bit down. I weaken my grip, and I move my head away for a second, I then lift my head so its level with Yuri's, I close my eyes and move closer to seal a kiss with Yuri.

I don't inch from my position, so after a few seconds, Yuri drifts her mouth into mine whilst moving her legs around my ribs. We've stolen each others hearts in this moment; I can tell Yuri is lost in her own lust. I feel her tongue penetrate my lips, so I start creating more saliva as quick as I can to lubricate the upcoming tonguing. As soon as her tongue gets to mine, I swirl it around hers really quickly. 

She seems to have gone crazy, because when I open my eyes, I see her blushing heavily with a hand at her pelvis. I pull away from the kiss quickly, letting the saliva we accumulated to drip all over Yuri's left leg and a bit of the bed sheets.

I say "Y-Yuri, l-let me do th-that." I retreat to a better position to finger her. Once I finish getting into a position, I take my watch off quickly, and throw it gently across the room. I crawl on all fours to get to her. She seems to have completely lost her mind, her breathing is heavy, her face is covered with the red blush, and her right eye is twitching slightly.

I move in closer to her. Once I reach her, I put my index finger on my right hand to her belly button, and drag it down her pelvis, I reach the beginning of the tights, and I start to use my other hand to drag them down.

The sight of her curves and bare skin gives me an erotic overload; I drag the clothing lower, I see no more clothes to get rid of, there's also a patch of pre-cum that essentially shows that shes wearing nothing else. I stop pulling down and look back up to Yuri, I ask "A-and no underwear t-too?" She giggles. I look back down and pull the right side of the tights down, exposing her right leg, and a bit of her lower pelvis.

I stop, then pull the left side down. Once I'm finished baring her lower half I grab her tights, and lob them in the same direction of my watch; I say "Yuri, are y-you sure y-you want this?" She looks up and says "P-please." I say "Okay, prepare t-to be finger blasted." She giggles, I move my left hand over her lower pelvis, I get a wad of her pre-cum on my index finger, and I stick it in my mouth.

She quivers, then laughs at the stupid expression I'm making. I then stick my index finger on  my left hand in her opening, she sucks in air through her teeth again, clearly from the amount of sudden pleasure shes been given. I move my other hand to the ball.

I start to rub the ball; her legs quiver a little. I then start to quicken my pace a bit, Yuri must love this, because she starts to moan louder. I start to slow down in hopes to get her to quieten down a bit; it works. I then say "Yuri, I-I think you're parents might hear th-this." She then uses her left hand to cover her mouth, but her right hand drifts to my rod. I feel her stroke where the clothing is stretched; I rub slower, but I quicken the fingering.

After a few seconds of doing this, I crank the rubbing speed up to the max. Yuri pauses her moaning and pulls her hand away from her face, she whispers with a broken voice "A-Alex, I-I-I'm g-going to c-cum!" I speed up the pace somehow, and I suddenly feel my hands get really wet. I don't stop, but I slow down; Yuri seems to be panting slightly. She says "I-I still w-want more." I say "Okay then, I'll go e-even faster." I put my middle finger in as well as my index finger. I don't rub the ball this time, instead, I use the free hand to run over her left thigh and ass.

As I begin to repeat my actions, I notice that the bed sheets are covered in Yuri's cum; I probably should have stopped all together when she first came. I ask "Yuri, w-want me to go f-faster?" She moves her lower half of her body closer to me, then says "H-harder!" I don't comply, instead, I do the opposite. She looks up at me, then says "Why- mmmOoooOoh..." I knew she would ask why, so right as she asks, I finger her really fast. At this point, I think Yuri's parents are awake, but in the moment, I don't care.

I feel her get wet again, but this only motivates me to do more. Yuri squirms, but again, this makes me want to give her the best feeling ever; I insert another finger. She tries her hardest to not moan, and her efforts somehow work. Yuri practically whispers "I'm c-cumming!" I push my fingers to the roof of her gape, then say "We're only just starting." I then continue.

Each moan Yuri lets out, I punish her for it by speeding up the pace. And at some point, the whole area we're in, including us, is drenched in cum, sweat and tears of joy. She pleads for me to stop every now and then, and each time she does, I speed it up. She says "Alex, I-I- UooOh... L-love you." I say "I-I'm madly i-in love w-with you Yuri."

I slow down and ask "Want m-me to stop?" She puts her hands to my manhood, and says "Lets s-switch..." I slow down and eventually stop. I pull all my fingers out, and once they're out I put them in my mouth; it tastes delicious. I think for a moment, switch? Then it hits me, oh, I'm a retard. She seems to be positioning herself.

Yuri begins to repeat my actions, but once she gets to my pants, she pulls my shirt up; this takes me by surprise. Almost instantly, the shirt is off, and because I hadn't shaved my stomach in a few days, there were little pricks of hair here and there. She brushes a hand over my now exposed stomach, giving me an electric burst of lust. She guides her hand down my stomach, to my pelvis, then my crotch; she looks up at me, then says "A-Alex... I-its huge!"

I feel a crimson creep across my face really quickly. Yuri pounces on me, which is what I didn't expect, with my face really close to hers, she says "D-don't be embarrassed, I-I- that's m-my job!" I chuckle a bit, but right as I finish my giggle, she kisses me deeply. I feel her tongue enter my mouth really quickly; I then feel her hips move slightly, this brushes her womanhood over my rod.

I get the tingles again, but I don't shift from my position. I let Yuri do what she pleases with me; which is amazing for myself, because she starts using her hips a lot. We do this for a good minute, and at some point, I feel a hand aid the side of my pants; my legs are bared within seconds.

Christmas Violets (Yurixreader) (Yurixmaincharacter)Where stories live. Discover now