Chapter 7, Late night

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My jeans fall; and right after they do, Yuri aggressively pulls my jocks down. I put my arms around Yuri's shoulders, and pull her into myself. My hands drift downward, over her shoulder blades, her spine, her curvy hips, then I reach her cheeks.

I move my hands over them in awe; the amount of skin I'm feeling is amazing. I start to be a little more aggressive with my strokes by digging into her cheeks hard. She must take notice of this, because she starts moving her hips in sink with my strokes; but in doing this, she lets my rod poke into her left thigh.

Throughout all of this, we continue making out; but I'm feeling my oxygen slowly dip; so I pull away, take a breath then say "Yuri, y-you're so g-good at this." She closes her left eye, winking at me; she then melds our lower halves together; the feeling is amazing. Yuri quickly puts her mouth to mine, silencing us both. The only sound that permeates the room is the lewd sounds of squelching from the pre-cum we had made.

There's also a nice smell wafting through the air, I cant explain it; its weak, but nice. Her movement picks up in speed, this surprises me. I start to move my hands back up her back; I start to drift my hands through her hair, it feels really smooth; I keep my hands in her locks.

We continue to do this for what feels like an hour of exercise; and after a while, Yuri surprises me with shoving her tongue into my cheek. After this, she leaves the kiss and suddenly moves her hips really quickly; this gives me the urge to cum, I say "Y-Yuri, d-don't do that... I-I'll-" I cut myself short; and hop out of her. My junk hits the bottom of her stomach; I disperse my liquids all over her.

The feeling is so good that I find myself moaning lightly. I finish up rather slowly; I feel Yuri squeeze the rest out, which makes me feel the tingle again. I look over to see her running a cupped hand over her stomach, this collects a little pool of my cum. She opens her mouth and runs her tongue over the left side; she swallows it quickly, then does the same with the other side of her hand.

She looks over to me. I think for a moment, then say "I th-think y-you should have a shower." She looks at herself then says "Y-yeah, I think I should." With that, she gets off of me, and off the bed; I cant help but stare at her beautiful structure. She slowly turns to me, with her face reddened; I say "Sorry, y-you're just... S-stunning."

I break my gaze from her, and slide off the side of the the edge of the bed. I look back and see the sheets, they're less stained then I thought. Yuri states "I like it when y-you look at me, s-so don't worry." I try to not look, but I think that I'm REALLY readable. Yuri walks over to me again, she opens her arms, her assets flop onto her chest; I chuckle and almost instantly drop my embarrassment, and accept her invite. I walk into her intoxicating embrace.

She then says "You know, I thought I-I would never be able to do this; but now that I have you, I-I feel... Happy. I-I'm going t-to g-go have my shower n-now." She seems a little embarrassed, I feel like shes doubting herself; I apologize "I'm sorry i-if I embarrassed you." She holds me tighter, letting her assets push into me more, she says "I'm not embarrassed, I-I just... Never mind." Clearly something is wrong here, so I push on, "Yuri, you can talk t-to me, what is it?"

She takes a deep breath; then states "I-I think the p-present I got you i-is bad..." I instantly think back to when Yuri gave me the Portrait of Markov on the 2nd club day, I say "Remember when y-you gave me the Portrait Of Markov?" She nods "Well, like I said, its n-not the gift, i-its the thought behind it." She says "You really know what to say Alex." She surprises me by assaulting my neck with a shower of kisses. After doing this, she asks "Would you like to shower together?"

Christmas Violets (Yurixreader) (Yurixmaincharacter)Where stories live. Discover now