Chapter 5, Christmas is here!

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We slowly pull away from the smooch, and we finish our intimate exchange. I stare into her eyes, and she copies; I have to admit, even though this moment I shouldn't be happy, I cant help but stare at her beautiful eyes. I glance at my watch, I only see a :00, meaning its Christmas; I hold Yuri tight and lift her with all my strength, while saying "Merry Christmas Yuri!" She giggles, and once I put her back down on the floor she says "Merry Christmas A-Alex." I kiss her cheek, retreat, then say "How about w-we make that tea?"

She nods happily. I walk over to the far side of the kitchen, and open the cupboard that has the strainer in it, and open the cupboard next to it to find some teacups. I do the same technique I used when grabbing the vegetables from a few weeks ago. I drop the strainer on the bench, and use my now free hand to put the teacups down. It seems that Yuri already has the kettle on, and shes also grabbed the leaves and teapot.

I stand next to her and look out the window, it had begun snowing about an hour ago. It was only a slight bit of snow, but it sure did start to get cold. I felt Yuri wrap her arms around me, though I was still tranced; at some point, the trance broke, and I began moving closer to Yuri.

I suddenly twitched at the cold air surrounding us, Yuri must have noticed this, because she tightens her grip and melds our bodies together. I look over to her, those glorious purple gems stared back at my brown eyes. I look back over to the window and gravitate my head towards Yuri's direction.

I feel my right cheek gently collide with her left, warming us both up quicker then a heater could even try. I feel so serene in this moment, that I start to fall into Yuri really slowly. She holds me up for a while; then when the kettle finishes, I get off of her and open the teapot. Shes already put in the leaves, so that's all I really have to do. She does the stuff, then puts the tea through the strainer. Once shes finished, I grab the strainer and bin the leftover tea leaves.

I walk back over to where the tea is to find Yuri finished with washing and putting away the teapot. I grab the teacups, and take them over to the lounge, but just before I put them down, Yuri asks "W-would you l-like to r-read ups-stairs?" She seems to be quivering with embarrassment. I say "I-I don't mind." Yuri picks up the book with one hand, and I walk up the stairs carefully, to not spill the tea. I reach the bedroom door, but my hands are full, so I whisper "Y-Yuri, c-can you open the d-door please."

She walks ahead and opens the door, I follow her in, and she shuts the door behind me. I set the two teacups at the desk on top of a little red cloth. Yuri gets settled onto the bed; I move over to the opposite side of the bed, then I sit right next to her. She seems really happy, so I say "You look really happy Yuri." She pulls me into a hug, I gladly accept. She states "I'm so happy to be with you Alex, you're my one and only partner." I pull out the book with my free hand, but when I lift it up, I accidentally brush over her right boob. I quickly pull away and apologize "S-sor-"

Before I can say anything else she grabs my left hand and puts it back to the place where it brushed over. I feel myself go redder then a tomato, I say "Yuri, um, you're p-parents are h-here..." She smiles and moves her face closer to mine, she looks into my eyes with a lust I've only seen once, when I fed her chocolate. Yuri whispers "How about w-we be quiet." I instantly blush harder then my already beetroot state, I feel my lips curve into a smirk. I start to fondle a little, they feel so warm and soft. but then a hand is lifted to my right thigh, I instantly get hard.

I get ready to move my grip to her teat, and I close my eyes whilst drifting my head towards her face. I simultaneously please her with a smooch and a pinch of her nipple. She seems to be keeping really quiet for my sudden act. I hear a quiet moan leave from the silence. She starts to roll her right sleeve up with her free hand, baring her healing scars.

I lift her left sleeve up with my right hand, and I start to pull my other hand away to lift her shirt off. She notices this and stops lifting her shirt up; once I tug enough on the sides, I pull it up and off of her. She blushes heavily, her boobs are bared. I say "Y-Yuri, y-you wore no bra?" I say this in the least mocking way possible, seeing I'm struck with a sight too beautiful to comprehend. She says "W-well, I thought th-that I'd l-like t-to be m-more comfortable showing m-my body to you..."

She quivers a lot while saying this, so I say "Well, a-are you comfortable doing it?" She sighs, then states "No." I think for a moment then pass her shirt to her, but she pushes it back then says "N-not in front of other p-people, I'm fine now." I'm still not sure that shes confident, so I ask "Sure?" Yuri puts her hand on my chest, then says "Want me to prove it?" I shudder slightly at her sudden outburst of confidence. I somehow say "P-please do." Upon hearing this, she jumps on me, but in doing so, her boobs envelop my vision. I try my hardest not to get harder, but my efforts are weak.

I say "U-um, M-Merry Christmas?" I say this, but its muffled by the skin surrounding my face, I think Yuri heard it because she giggles. I start licking her cleavage, I really wish I warned her, because she moans slightly louder then before. I don't stop though, and she quietens down. I begin to move to her teat slowly, and at some point, I start sucking on her nipple. Her milk excretes, and I crave the taste again.

After a few sucks, my mouth is full, I pull away for a moment and start to swallow it all, bit by bit. She asks "D-does it t-taste good?" I swallow the rest quickly, then say "I-its better then normal m-milk." She smirks, then says "W-want some more?" I quickly nod then get closer to her. She says "I love you Alex, remember that." I look up, and instead of sucking her teat, I kiss her deeply. After a few seconds, I put my right hand on her left thigh, and start to wrap my left arm around her back. My hand drifts downwards, and I move my hand over her voluptuous curves.

I open my eyes and slowly move my body downward, whilst unwrapping my arm from her back. I put my mouth to her left boob and start to suck harder then ever, she lets out a sharp inhale through her teeth. Like last time, sucking harder doesn't help, so I put my right hand to her boob and squeeze it slightly. This helps keep the flow of milk quick, I get a mouthful within a few seconds; and I gulp it down as quickly as possible. I pinch her other nipple weakly with my left hand. She buries her head into my hair, but she doesn't moan. I stop sucking her teat, and use the hand I used to squeeze, to now pinch the nipple that I had been sucking on.

Roses are red,

Cactus is prickly,

What I've just read,

Has escalated quickly.

Nate Sharks.

Christmas Violets (Yurixreader) (Yurixmaincharacter)Where stories live. Discover now