Chapter 3, blissfulness

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I say to Yuri, "U-uh, I-I th-think that y-your parents h-hate me..." She laughs harder then a drunk mum at a comedy show; I've never heard her laugh like this, shes only giggled or chuckled around me. Her parents look her way and smile, Josephine says " Alex, I've never heard Yuri laugh like that, you've done something not even we could do." Yuri smiles, still giggling; I say "R-really?" I'm stunned, her parents haven't heard Yuri laugh; what a shame.

But I'm surprised that I'm the one who made her laugh. Yuri says, "Mum, dad, do you hate Alex?" She says this in a bit of a mocking tone, they both say in unison "No!" She then pulls me closer to herself, I wrap my arms around her, she smiles and says "See, they don't hate you!" She leans in to kiss my cheek; how come shes so touchy tonight? I realize, she wants to show her love for me to her parents.

I move my head closer to her. She suddenly jumps away from me, I know why; I've suddenly got a blood nose. I move away looking up; thankfully (or horribly) the blood from my nose only spills on Yuri's shoulder, and nowhere else. She looks up at me, and runs her index finger across the spot of blood, my heart drops; she then sticks it in her mouth. I gasp in horror that her parents might have seen this; how has the atmosphere has changed so suddenly? I hear Yuri's mum sigh and say "U-uh, I'll go get you a tissue." She gets up and walks to the kitchen.

 I look to the ceiling. Yuri pulls me closer to her, causing me to get warmer; I feel my blood nose worsen. I hear Josephine come out of the kitchen, I tilt my head slightly; she passes me the tissues, I say "Thanks Josephine." I put the tissues to my nose and hold the base of it to stop the bleeding. Yuri sits her head on my shoulder, I feel my head drift slightly on hers, Yuri inches her body closer to mine, I feel her assets smash into my chest; but I don't care.

After a while, I take my hand away from my nose; its stopped bleeding. I get up, and say "I'm just gonna put this in the bin." I walk over to the kitchen, and open the only cupboard I haven't seen open. Sure enough, there's a bin. I open the lid and put the now bloody tissue in the trash, and start to walk back to the living room.

I re-enter to walk over to the lounge, and sit an inch off Yuri. We put our arms around our sides, and continue to watch the news. After a while of boring sports and weather segments, the news ends. I ask "U-uh, would you l-like to watch something different?" Yuri says "Y-yeah, I'd like to watch a movie." Josephine and Greg smile at each other and say in unison "Sounds good!" I move away from Yuri to grab the remote. Once I collect it, I move back to her.

I flip through a few channels, and land on a horror; I immediately ask "Would you like t-to watch a horror?" Everyone nods. I set the remote down, and snuggle closer to Yuri. The movie doesn't seem bad, and I somehow caught it right as it began. Its called The Babadook. We watch the movie for a good 30 minutes, and once the movie picks up the horror a bit, I somehow don't shit bricks; but at some point I get used to the themes and toughen up.

I watch on, and the movie gets really messed up; but I somehow stay fine. The movie looks like its about to end so I look up at my watch, its almost 9 o'clock. I look up to be met with a jump-scare, I quickly recoil at the sight and sound.

Yuri giggles and pulls me closer; I don't try to back out of this hug. I lock my eyes on the screen whilst pulling Yuri closer. We end up melted into each other; and after a minute or two, I recover from the fright; but I still hold onto Yuri for dear life. The movie starts to get better, and the Babadook seems to be gone. In about 10 minutes, the credits roll; and at the end, a jump-scare plays. I expected a cheap scare at the end, but it still gets me.

I sit there, dumbfounded. After a bit of ads, I hear Josephine say "That was a good movie!" Yuri looks up and says, "I-I agree." I look up at Greg, he seems to repeat my actions. Looking down at the floor, feeling dumbfounded. Yuri pecks my cheek, this surprises me. I look over at Yuri, she says "Y-you were scared, weren't you? U-uh... Sorry A-" I put my index finger to her mouth to stop her from apologizing; I pull my hand away, I say "Yep." She smiles at my sudden outburst of courage.

She leans in closer and whispers "I deserve to be p-punished." My heart drops, I feel a blush creep across my face. I somehow whisper "L-later." Yuri leans in closer while closing her eyes, I stay frozen, but I close my eyes at the same time; she whispers "No, now." Then closes the little gap between us, sinking our lips. I don't inch from my position in hopes to cease an erection, but its to no avail. I feel Yuri pull away, so I follow while opening my eyes.

I'm greeted with Yuri's beautiful face, I could stare at it for ages; everything about her face is perfect. Her beautiful lavender eyes, her perfect skin tone, her small nose, her wet pink lips, her cute yellowish pinky blush, but most important of all, her waterfall of luscious violet hair. Its like staring into an angels face. I don't need looks in a woman, this is a pure bonus to her amazing personality.

I hear Josephine say "I guess we're interrupting something, sorry." She says this, but I counter it with "Don't w-worry, just being around Yuri makes me happy, a-anything else is a b-bonus." Even though I stuttered a fair bit, Greg says "Well said." It reassures me that I'm not a touchy guy. Even though it seems contradictory with my statement, I don't move from my spooning position with Yuri. She seems to enjoy it, so I wont ruin it for her.

I reach for the remote and say "Do y-you want to watch something else or..." I trail off, Greg says "Yeah, I think we should talk for a bit, that movie has given me the creeps" I'm not surprised, it was probably the most creepy thing I've seen (yet). I switch the TV off and say "W-well what do you want to talk about." He smiles "I think you're a great guy Alex, I'm happy my daughter is with a nice fellow."

I instantly feel like a king, I say "Really? Thanks!" He nodded when I said really. Josephine looks over to me and says "I think I agree with Greg on this one, you seem pretty nice, and you're not touchy." She said the last bit in a mocking tone, Greg instantly says "H-hey, I'm not touchy!"

She laughs then says, "Whats that on my lap then?" gesturing to his hand on her thigh. I fight the urge to chuckle, Yuri moves her body closer to mine. I can tell that she hates her parents right now, I don't blame her; if my parents were like this in front of Yuri I'd hate them to my core, but her parents are fine.

Christmas Violets (Yurixreader) (Yurixmaincharacter)Where stories live. Discover now