Chapter 15, Exhilarating luxuries

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Um... This is the longest thing I've ever written, so uh... Enjoy.

Here's some music to accompany you while reading steamy stuff; have it on about 13 or 15 volume.

Yuri towers over me, and as she pulls her shirt up slightly, my eyes adjust to the darkness of the room; which lets me see the pure beauty of her fine skin tone. As I watch on, she stares at my own eyes, and slows her pace down even more; I'm secretly admiring her sudden actions. She bares her belly button, the cord seems to be cut out; another thing to add to all her little imperfections. Her upper chest is stripped, and even though I could be perving on her slightly bared knockers, I look up to her gems, and pierce them with my gaze.

My eyes seem to calibrate to her own, and hers only ditto. She doesn't stop lifting her shirt... But to no surprise, she hits a stop, and looks down, fumbling with the top of the shirt; she blushes heavily; I get a good idea, and cheekily ask "Too big?" She giggles innocently, then purrs "Take it off for me." I lift my upper body off of the mattress, and look at her slightly bared bosoms; I whisper "U-um, I wasn't kidding..." She pulls her hands away, and bedevils "You love them, don't you?"

I lead my hand to her clothing, and tug on the bottom of it, she moans quietly from my touch. I pull it up slightly, and pull the shirt outward; she looks up at me, and gravitates her face into mine. She leaves her lips only an inch off of mine, and whispers "Alex..." She doesn't leave her angle, so I pull my hands away from her jugs, and put my lips to hers. She gripes happily as I wail blissfully at the same intervals.

She takes her hands and puts them behind my head, pulling my face into her own; our noses weakly smash into one another. She lays her body into mine, making us both fall backward toward the mattress; her bosoms press into me, and her luscious lavender locks surround us both. She doesn't infiltrate my mouth, but I begin to get the feeling she will, so I concentrate a bit of slaver. She doesn't stop moaning, but she slightly deadens her noise, and asks permission with her touch; I give her a lick of her lips.

She twirls her fat tongue around my own, and her plaints cultivate as I move my left hand to her cheeks, and the other to her left shoulder blade. Her moans only grow even more boisterous as I lift her shirt from the back of her spine. She pulls away, and asks "A-Alex, please... Take it slow." She lifts her upper body off of me, and pulls her hands away from their grip.

My hands are dropped from her bosoms, and as I'm hit with the sight of her prodigious and stunning beauty; she asks "Don't you want to undress me?" She looks needy, as if shes wanted to do this for a while; but I want to stall her in a way to tease her, I confess "Yuri, I don't know how you look so beautiful." Her fluorescent blush can even be seen in the dark at this point; I look her in the eyes; as a reaction, she drops into me, letting her legs interlock my own as she murmurs "Alex, s-strip me."

She takes my hands, and leads them to the rest of the clothing covering her boobs. Her hand's warm touch makes me not want to let go, but as I think this, Yuri lets go of them, warranting to rid of her clothes. I take the bottom of the shirt, and lift it slightly; it takes some effort, but once its up to her nipples, I lift it up and off of her as she stretches her arms upward. Once off, I lob it toward the edge of the bed, and look back at Yuri; shes still on top of me, holding on to me as if I were a pole in a storm.

I nestle my face closer to her's, and kiss her cheek; shes surprisingly hot to the touch, so I state "Y-Yuri, you're really red!" She only lets her body weight upsurge, and she licks my ear, a coat of saliva is left in its wake. This action takes me by surprise, so I moan quietly as she does it again; she stops, then assaults my cheek with kisses; her warm lips smacking against my cheek give the area she's kissing a slight glow. I chuckle as she continues, and when she stops, I wrap my arms around her back; and divulge "I love you."

Christmas Violets (Yurixreader) (Yurixmaincharacter)Where stories live. Discover now