Chapter 11, Memories

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She holds on with a weak grip, and I walk her out the kitchen; on the way to her room, Greg asks "Where are you two off to?" Yuri shudders a bit, so I say "We're just gonna go grab the present that I got Yuri from upstairs." He nods then says "Okay." I start to walk her up the stairs, and I open the door once we get there. I search the room with my eyes, and they land on the box to make sujeonggwa. I walk her over to the box, and she takes it with her free hand. We turn around and begin our trek back to the kitchen.

We arrive, and she places the box on the counter and takes her arm out of its grip; then starts opening the box. After a few moments of fumbling with it; the box opens, and a nice smell wafts through the air; it smells like ginger and cinnamon. I say "It smells nice." She makes a sound close to a moan at the smell, I ask "I-is it that good?" She giggles then says "Its from you, of course its nice, you know me too well." I put my right hand to her left; she gasps then says "A-A-Alex, you're t-too good at th-this."

I don't know how, but I've somehow captivated her with just a touch of her hand. I smirk and lift her hand to my face slightly, I remember when she first came over to my house and put my finger in her mouth. I take her index finger, and ask "Remember this?" I open my mouth and stick her finger in; I look at her expression, shes blushing heavily with the worried expression that looks so cute.

I curl my tongue around her finger slowly; I start to suck on it, which makes her say "A-Alex, p-please don't s-stop." I continue to lick at her finger, I put my arms around her back, and pull herself closer to the point where her face is gently smashed into her hand. I unwrap my left arm from her back, and pull her finger out of my mouth with my hand. I then state "I-I- you're perfect." Her lips curve even more then they did before, and her eyes intoxicate me with her spell.

She moves in closer, and closes her eyes; giving her a cuter look. I close my eyes as well, and press my lips to hers. I reopen my eyes, and I'm met with her gems really close to me, I analyze them deeply; I slowly ease out of the kiss. Once I do, she says "I-I think we should m-make the stuff you bought m-me, b-before my parents g-get suspicious." I glance at the lounge, and see them looking at us; I look back to Yuri and say "I think they don't need to be suspicious if they're looking at us now." Her pupils dilate, she then asks "A-are th-they looking a-at us?" I look back over; they're looking at the TV (Which is off). I focus back on Yuri, then say "Not anymore."

Her eyes go back to their normal state, and she then questions "D-did they see you..." I already know what she going to ask, so I interject "I don't think so." I weaken my grip on her, and then release her; she asks "H-how do we make it?" I explain "The instructions should be on the box." I then take a few bags of ginger out the box, and place them on the counter; she takes the cinnamon sticks out.

There's also a few bags that are full of brown sugar, so I grab them, and also plop them on the counter. I look at all the ingredients and rub the back of my neck with my hand, whilst saying "Sorry, I didn't know it'd be super sweet." She smiles, then says "I think it would go well with reading." I smile bashfully at her kindness. I pick up the box and examine it, there's a guide to making it on one of the sides. I read it within a few seconds, it doesn't seem hard to do, it just takes a while to make.

I say "It takes around an hour to make." She giggles, then says "I guess I'll only make it when you're here." I think I know why, its so when we're waiting, we can talk, right? I ask "Why?" She smirks then says "We can talk." My thought is reassured... Slightly, her smirk is mischievous. I pull her into my arms and whisper "You're not a good liar." She looks into my eyes, then breaks out into a giggle-fit. After a while of this, she pauses her giggles, then says "O-or..."

Christmas Violets (Yurixreader) (Yurixmaincharacter)Where stories live. Discover now