Sam Winchester-Actually you're kinda cute

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 Sam was in virtually the worst situation ever. He was stuck. Literally and figuratively. Between the looming question that inevitably needed an answer, and the knife at his neck. The perp, in this case, a very angry and slightly terrifying protective sibling, was all up in Sam's face. Even though Sam was bigger (Unsurprising, considering just how large of a specimen he was) he was still caught off guard, and at the disadvantage.

"Hey! Listen to me Sam! I asked you a question! Where the fuck is my brother?!"

Sam swallowed awkwardly, the tip of the blade digging deeper into his neck, but not enough to draw blood. "Woa woa, easy!" He breathed, hands up in surrender. "Look I can't...He's...I'm...We're trying to keep him safe!" Sam stuttered.

"Bullshit, you let him get kidnapped!"

Sam searched his brain for an answer, desperate for something. "We...He's safe now!" Was the only thing he could splutter.

A growl escaped Y/N lips, and Sam gulped. The brothers had only met Y/N Tran a few times before, but the impression Y/N made was not to be forgotten.

"He's still in danger and he-he didn't want to put that on you or your mother too, so he didn't go home! He's staying with us so he keep you guys away and everyone stays safe!"

"Ha! You really think I'll buy that? Kevin knows what I do. I'm a kickboxer Sam, and on top of that, he knows how passionate I am about weapons. It's to the point that I've turned the tables on muggers. They try to kick my ass, and end up with several missing teeth,"

Sam shuddered at the thought. He had to admit, Kevin and Y/N were very much opposites for being siblings.

"So...I'll ask you one more time. Where. Is. My. Brother?!"

Before Sam had a chance to speak, he saw Dean out of the corner of his eye, coming back from the bathroom. As soon as Dean saw the situation, he cursed softly. "Dammit Y/N let him go,"

"No! Not until he tells me where Kevin is! Or you could step up to the deed," Y/N snapped, glaring at Dean.

"Y/N we promised Kevin we wouldn't tell you anything about him. He just wants to keep you sa-"

"That's not his job!" Y/N interrupted. "He's the younger one, it's my job to keep him safe, not yours or Sams!"

Sam slowly reached out and placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder. "Y/N...You're scary ok? I'll give you that," He huffed out a laugh. "And you really can take care of yourself. We know that too. But we made a promise to Kevin. And frankly...You don't want to be mixed up in all this,"

Y/N glared at Sam. "Yes I do. Kevin is my baby brother. I'd do anything for him. And you know what? You guy's don't have to tell me shit. Just drive. And I'll follow you. To wherever Kev is. That way, you wont break your promise,"

Sam and Dean shared looks of confusion and Y/N sighed, giving a dramatic eye roll, and finally lowering the knife from Sam's neck.

"Your promise was not to tell me anything about Kevin. He never said not to show me. Loopholes,"

Dean's eyebrows rose and he grunted softly. "Huh...Well...I mean he can't get too mad at us right? Plus I get it. I get where your coming from. Sammy's my baby brother. I'd feel the same way if I was in your shoes,"

Sam sighed and rubbed his sore neck. Y/N had been nice enough not to actually draw blood. "Fine. Just...Please don't try to kill us again. Or specifically me," He sassed.

Y/N smirked a bit and nudged Sam. "Oh cheer up, at least I didn't damage your face. It's too pretty for that," Y/N tossed Sam a wink which had him spluttering and blushing like a fool. Dean on the other hand, cackled.

"Well come on then, let's hit the road," H waved Sam over and Sam hurried to get into the Impala, Y/N hopping into a smaller Toyota parked a few meters away.

Sam sighed and climbed into the passangers seat, looking over at Dean. "Kevin is going to kill us,"

~~~~~~Half an hour later, The bunker~~~~~~

"I am going to kill you!" Kevin cried, looking from Y/N to Sam and Dean. "What is the one thing I asked? The one thing?! Keep mom and Y/N out of this! And what did you do?!"

Dean held up a hand. "Easy short bus, technically we followed the rules. You told us not to tell them anything about your location. We didn't tell Y/N anything. Y/N followed us," Dean pointed out.

Y/N glared at Kevin and stomped over. Kevin's eyes widened a bit. "Oh you're mad. You're very mad," He mumbled, and Y/N's glare intensified. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I just wanted to-to keep you safe!" Kevin took a few steps back, and Y/N pinned him to the wall.

"You absolute fucking ass!" Kevin flinched and Y/N growled. "That's not your fucking job. You damn well know I can take care of myself. You're my little brother! And from now on I'm going to be a part of this weather you like it or not. Do you understand? And if you ever pull a stunt like this again, I'll be the one killing you," Y/N declared, before suddenly pulling Kevin into a tight hug.

Kevin relaxed into the embrace and hugged back just as tight. "I'm sorry," He mumbled softly and Y/N sighed, pressing a kiss to his temple. "It's okay,"

Sam and Dean watched the interaction with curiosity. It was clear the other siblings had a bond as deep as theirs, and loved each other very much.

"Are...Are you guy's hungry?" Sam asked tentatively. "I was thinking of getting started on some dinner,"

Kevin and Y/N separated, both of them nodding. "I'll help. I owe you that much," Y/N spoke, seemingly apologetic for holding Sam and knife point. Sam nodded and smiled softly, leading Y/N to the kitchen.

"Spaghetti sound ok?" He asked, and Y/N nodded.


They worked in silence for a while, before Y/N finally spoke. "Thank you. For letting me follow you guys here and...Sorry for you know...Threatening you and stuff,"

Sam snorted softly, but a smile rested on his face. "Hey you're not the first friend of mine to do it,"

Y/N smirked. "You know that doesn't surprise me. And ah...I don't really think you're an asshole. I was just...Worried about Kev,"

Sam's smile widened a bit. "Hey, no hard feelings. I get it. Really. Dean and I are the same with each other," He gently nudged Y/N's arm. "Plus, Dean and I really do care about you and Kevin. Though to be honest, you can be pretty scary,"

Y/N chuckled. "Well I'm gonna take that as a compliment,"

"It was," He assured. Though Sam would never admit out loud, Y/N's whole badass complex was a total turn on.

The pasta was soon finished and Y/N threw together a quick salad, which Sam knew Dean was unlikely to touch, but hey more for them.

They set the table and Sam turned to call for Kevin and Dean when he felt an arm on his bicep. He turned to meet a par of big suddenly innocent looking eyes. "Y/N...?" Sam asked, raising a brow. "Is there something you need?"

"Yea.  A date. With you. Tomorrow,"

Sam was stunned for a moment, his heart skipping a beat at the blunt question. "I...Ah...What?" He stuttered. Y/N just smirked, enjoying seeing this large specimen so flustered.

"I like you. I think you're nice. Kinda want to get to know you more. Plus, you're Handsome too,"

Sam swallowed and smiled a bit. "Huh," He bit his lip and Y/N's smirk widened. "Is that a yes?" Sam chuckled softly and nodded. "Yea. Yea it is," Y/N's smirk turned into a more genuine smile. "Can't wait,"  

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