Sabriel- Back from the dead

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Sam sat in the bunker, glaring at the book in front of him. Cas and Dean had gone out for a run, and Sam had decided to stay back to do research on the case they were on. Truthfully, Sam was not in the mood to to be doing research. He just used that as an excuse so he could have some time alone. Today, was one of the days he dreaded most.

Today, marked the fourth anniversary of Gabriel's death. Sam felt his heart shrivel up at that thought. Secretly, Sam had developed feelings for the annoying archangel, and it killed him when Gabe was stabbed by Lucifer. At first, Sam despised Gabriel, but somehow, that hatred, turned to... Well... Fondness.

Sam stood, and tromped to the kitchen, grabbing the whiskey, and pouring himself a glass, quickly downing it in one sitting. The burning liquid passed painfully slowly down his esophagus, giving Sam a certain twisted feeling of satisfaction.

Every year Sam did this. Every year marking Gabe's death, Sam got drunk off his ass. Dean didn't seem to notice, since he had never actually seen Sam in this drunken depressed state, either because he was out, or Sam went to a bar. But today....Today would be different. Not just for Sam, but for everyone.

Sam felt the tears slowly welling up in his eyes, as he scrambled to pour himself another glass of any and all hard liquor he could find. The tears had begun to fall now, leaving streaks down Sam's cheeks, but he didn't pay attention to that. He just let his body slump against the ground with several bottles of liquor littering the area around him.

After what felt like forever, Sam finally began feeling the effects of the alcohol sinking in. His vision was slightly blurred, and the room seemed to be spinning. Sam leaned his head back against the cupboard he was propped up against, and closed his eyes, groaning slightly, while choking back another sob.

The sound of fluttering wings didn't affect Sam, since he figured he was too drunk to actually be hearing anything coherent. But then came the voice. The voice that Sam had fallen head over heels for. The stupidly annoying voice that Sam never thought he'd hear. “Samsquatch?” Sam didn't bother opening his eyes as he figured this was his imagination.

“Y-you'reeeee D-dead,” Sam slurred, a drunken laugh leaving his lips. “And you're hammered,” The voice said, clearly unamused. Sam groaned again, and hung his head between his knees. “Gooo awayyy! Y-you're not rrreeeaaallll,” Sam managed to splutter. The voice sighed, and Sam heard what he thought were footsteps.

“Sam, you're killing yourself,” The voice muttered, sounding slightly sad. “I don't care!” Sam shouted, suddenly yelling. “Well I do,” The voice continued, seemingly unfazed by Sam's outburst. “Well at-at least If I d-d-die....I'll see G-Gabriel again,” Sam breathed, the tears once again falling from his eyes.

At that moment, hands grabbed each side of Sam's face, and lifted his head up. Sam opened his eyes now, wanting to yell at this person, but freezing. His eyes locked with those familiar honey brown eyes he'd fallen for. “Sam, you major fucking douche, I'm not dead,” The person hissed. “Yesss you arrreee G-gabe,” Sam said, his head bobbing up and down.

“No I'm not, and I'll explain to you why I had to fake my death when your sober, but for now, you, my giant moose friend, are going to sleep,” Gabe spoke sternly, putting two fingers to Sam's head. Sam slumped forward now unconscious, and Gabe caught him, holding the hunter to his chest. “Oh Sammy, I'm so sorry,” The archangel whispered, a tear of his own falling, and landing on Sam's messed up hair.

Gabe struggled to pick up Sam, and zapped to Sam's room, managing to gently place him down in bed. Gabriel clenched his jaw together as guilt began eating away inside him. He blamed himself for this happening to Sam. If Gabe had been here, he could have stopped this from happening. At the same time, Gabriel would rather Sam be drunk, than tortured, and killed.

The reason Gabriel had faked his death was because he was being black mailed. Yea, the trickster, being blackmailed. He didn't know who it wad, but the blackmailer told him he had to choose between his own life, or Sam's. Somehow, the mystery person had figured out Gaberiel's feelingd towards the younger winchester, and used that against him.

It was an easy choice for Gabriel. Of course he'd give his own life for Sam, but he had an idea. He decided to fake his death, then find who the blackmailer was, kill him or her, then get back to his Sam. Unfortunately, Gabe's plan didn't work as well as he thought it would. It took him a long time to finally find the blackmailer, and an even longer time to kill her. It had been Ruby, the demon, who was actually still alive. Not when Gabe finished with her she wasn't.

Gabe sat on he edge of Sam's bed, watching the hunter sleep. “I'm so sorry Samsquatch,” He murmured, his voice cracking as he watched his hunter sleep. Wait...His hunter? Yes. That's right. Gabe decided then and there, he would make Sam his no matter what, because now he knew Sam loved him too, and Gabe would never leave Sam again.

The next morning, Sam awoke with a splitting head ache. He groaned, and his hands immediately flew to cover his large moose head. Slowly, Sam began to sit up, only to flop back down, realizing whenever he moved, his headache got worse. Sam's memory of what happened was hazy, but he knew that he had seen seen someone with him...Was it Dean? Or Cas?

The door to Sam's room was suddenly pushed open, and someone entered, setting a tray of scrambled eggs and coffee on Sam's night stand. Sam didn't look up, thinking it was Dean, who was going to scold him for getting drunk while they were working a case. Instead, he heard a different voice.

“So Samalama, I thought I'd make you hangover remedy for breakfast. I suppose I could just heal you, but not healing you gives me an excuse to take care of you,” Sam froze, and his breath got caught in his throat. That's who he saw yesterday. It wasn't Dean or Cas, it was Gabriel. But That was his imagination. He was hallucinating because he was drunk. Maybe the alcohol in his system was still affecting him.

Sam didn't dare to move, just stayed staring at a spot on the ground. “It's not real...” He told himself, squeezing his eyes shut. “I thought we went through this yesterday. It's real, I'm not dead, and I will explain to you why I had to fake my death,” Sam choked back a sob, and forced himself to look up.

Instantly, his eyes met with those warm whiskey ones he remembered from so long ago. “G-gabriel?” Sam stuttered. Gabe gave him a small smirk, but it seemed forced. “Yea. Surprise kiddo,” He said softly. Sam opened his mouth to say something, but a wave of nausea hit him like a tsunami, and he scrambled to his feet, rushing out of his room to the bathroom, and emptying his stomach.

Gabriel scrambled after the moose man, and held his head, rubbing his back while Sam vomited. Gabe grimaced. He hated seeing Sam like this. To hell with taking care of him. Gabriel focused, and healed Sam from his intoxicated state. Sam coughed lightly, and slumped back against Gabriel.

Gabe felt his stomach swirl with butterflies, and quickly grabbed a tissue, wiping Sam's mouth, and holding his hunter close. “It's ok moosey, I gotcha...I gotcha,” He whispered, softly stroking Sam's hair. That was the moment Sam realized this was real. This was Gabriel, and he was here. Alive. Sam instantly broke down, and hugged his archangel, bawling into his chest.

Gabriel let a few tears of his own slip, his heart shriveling up, and dying at the fact he had to see Sam in so much emotional pain. “F-four years....F-four years I mourned you! I-I missed you so much,” Sam blubbered, clutching onto Gabe as if his life depended on it. Gabriel clutched Sam just as tightly. “Shh Sam, you'll wake Dean and Cas,” Gabe muttered lamely.

Sam didn't answer, his body still shaking with sobs. Gabriel took this opportunity to explain to Sam just what had happened. After he finished, he and Sam were not both blubbering on their own tears. Gabe tried to cover it up, but it was no use. “I'm so sorry,” He kept whispering. Instead of answering, Sam hungrily attached his lips to Gabe's, now knowing he felt the same way about him. “I love you,” Sam whispered.

 “And I love you too Samwich. More than snickers,” The two chuckled lightly, and once again fell into each others warm embrace's.  

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