Chapter 1

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Split me, tear me, cut my heart open.
Fling me across the seas of space & the fabric of time.
From nothing, make me everything.


Caroline could hear the birds tweeting happily outside her room. She groaned. Her head was killing her. Damn birds. What did they have to be so happy about anyways? She rolled over and reached for her pillow immediately smashing her head on something very cold and hard.

She rubbed her forehead with her hand and her eyes opened. There was a large rock just in front of her face. She rolled onto her back again staring up. Mile high trees greeted her, rays of sun streaming through their branches. A flock of birds flapped their wings and scattered from the trees overhead.

Caroline's breathing became rapid as she sat up, looking around her. She was in the middle of a forest, sitting in the moss and dirt. She pulled her navy blue jacket tight around her body and assessed the situation. The fog in her brain slowly lifted and she remembered. She remembered why she was waking up in a forest instead of in her own bed.

"Bonnie?" She called out, her head whipping frantically around. No answer. No sign of her witchy friend.

It seemed like only a few moments ago that she had been inside Bonnie's house, just after midnight in Mystic Falls.

"Ok, we have Klaus's possession and we have the daggers," Bonnie had said laying everything out on the floor in front of them. Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie sat on the floor in a circle in Bonnie's living room, white candles glowing all around them.

"Why do we need something of Klaus's?" Elena asked.

"Most spells like this require a personal possession," Bonnie explained, "and we'll use that possession as a marker. Something from the time period we are trying to get into."

Caroline had taken a severe chance earlier when she broke into Klaus's apartment to steal something of his. It had to be her though. Elena or Bonnie would have been killed quickly if caught and they weren't telling any of the boys about this plan of theirs. Damon seemed to be cracking under pressure and Stefan was...well Stefan was gone with Klaus now. It was definitely time for the women to step in and get things done.

Caroline twisted a chain in her hand, a small heart charm at the end of it. It was one of those necklaces Klaus was always wearing. She reached up to her neck and absent-mindedly fingered her own charm necklace. Klaus's almost reminded her of her own necklace, she had a heart charm similar to this one, but her initials were engraved into the back of it. Her dad had given it to her on her fourteenth birthday.

She flipped Klaus's necklace over. Nothing was there except smooth metal. Bonnie had told her to get something old and this looked very old. Ancient even. There were scratches across the surface; bloodstains too if you looked close enough. Caroline wondered when and where this came from and why Klaus had kept it for so long.

Then Bonnie cleared her throat, bringing Caroline out of her musings. She set the chain in the middle of their circle. It was surrounded by even more candles and herbs.

"Ok so I'll start chanting and then on my signal we touch the object and it should transport us back to that time period, to wherever Klaus was," Bonnie said.

"How are you guys going to kill Klaus once you're there," Elena asked.

"That's what these are for," Caroline said, unzipping her boot and revealing one of the special daggers that put the originals in their little comas. "Bonnie created some more. We can't kill him, but we can put him out of commission and hide his body where it will never be found."

"Wait, wait. If Caroline uses this won't it kill her?" Elena asked picking up one of the daggers.

"Oh Elena try to keep up," Caroline teased, "Bonnie here worked her magnificent powers to reverse that little obstacle. I can stab as many originals as I want and I'll be perfectly fine."

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