Chapter 21

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Caroline had been running since Klaus had left her at the ruins. The tears ran down her face as she sprinted away. She didn't know where she was going or where she would go, but she knew she didn't care. He would figure everything out soon enough. He would find out her hand in Katerina's escape and then he would hate her. He might even want to kill her.

So she ran.

Did it make her a coward?


Dawn was beginning to break. Caroline stopped running and slumped against a tree. Physically, she was fine but emotionally, she was exhausted. She hugged her knees to her chest and cried into her arms. All she wanted was to go home. She wanted her friends and her life back. Why did things have to happen this way? Why was it her destiny to fall for Klaus only to have to ruin his life? To have to betray the man she loved to save everything that she knew. Was this her punishment for falling in love with her greatest enemy? It was too late to dwell now though. She had made the decision and it was done.


Her heard snapped up. There was Elijah, standing in front of her. She hadn't even heard him approach.

"What are you doing here?" She asked warily. Had Klaus already figured things out and sent his brother after her?

"Katerina has escaped," Elijah said.

Caroline breathed a sigh of relief. Everything had gone the way it was meant to. At least she could feel some comfort from that. "I take it you had a hand in Katerina's escape." There was no point in lying to him. Elijah saw everything.

"It was what I was meant to do," she told him, "I didn't know it at the time. I only just figured it all out."

"I tried to tell Klaus to be wary of you, but he never listened. In fact, he accused me of letting my humanity get in the way of his mission."

"It's hard to do the right thing all the time I guess."

"Indeed," Elijah replied. He flashed over to her then and grabbed her up by the arm. Caroline tried to wrench away but his grip was like iron.

"What are you doing?"

"I could not find Katerina, but I cannot go back empty handed," Elijah said.

"He'll kill me."

"As you said Caroline, it's difficult to do the right thing all the time."

Elijah dragged Caroline back to the castle. They were greeted by Gretchen in the courtyards.

"Caroline! Elijah! You've returned!" The witch seemed relieved, completely missing the fact that Elijah was holding onto Caroline as if she were a prisoner.

"Any sign of Katerina?" Elijah asked.

"Trevor and his companion, Rose, made her vampire," Gretchen told them, "the three of them have fled."

Elijah still held onto Caroline. "Where is Niklaus?"

"He has gone to seek his revenge," Gretchen explained, "I do not know when he will return."

Elijah released Caroline. "Very well," he replied smoothly, heading in the direction of his rooms.

"Elijah please," Gretchen cried out, "you must run. He will kill you. Even after everything he's seen, everything I've shown him, he still doesn't believe you remain loyal to him."

"What aren't you telling me Gretchen?"

"Klaus has taken the coffins out of the crypts."

Elijah turned slowly his eyes flashing black. It occurred to Caroline then that she had never seen Elijah in his true vampire form. Whenever Klaus lost his temper, his eyes would change and his fangs would drop, but Elijah had always remained cool and calm. It made the black of his eyes all that more terrifying to see now. It was like being thrown into a dark abyss, with no hope of ever reaching the sun again. He wasn't even fully turned and yet Caroline could see why she never wanted to witness Elijah's vampire side. There was something wholly frightening in the occurrence of a composed man turning into a wild beast.

"Where did he take them Gretchen?" Elijah's voice was a icy growl as he spoke. The witch shook her head, tears beginning to fall from her eyes. "WHERE!"

Caroline flinched at the boom of Elijah's voice and Gretchen sobbed.

"Please Elijah, please. Just run."

Elijah's jaw twitched as he took a deep breath and let it out, his usual composure returning to him. He's gaze slid over to Caroline.

"I wish you luck," Elijah said, "I truly do Caroline. Perhaps we will meet again."

And then he was gone.

Caroline was alone in Klaus's room. She stood at his window, watching the sun set in the sky. It was peaceful and quiet and completely unaware of all that had happened in the past two days. Elijah was gone. Gretchen had cried most of the day. The servants were confused about everything that was going on and Caroline didn't know what to do. Was there really any point in running? Her original worries came back to her. Where would she even go? Klaus was right; she could never survive in this age, whether she was human or vampire. Klaus. Where was he?

"Bulgaria," Gretchen said, appearing in the doorway. Caroline turned to face her. "My apologies, but you're projecting very loudly. Your thoughts about him are very strong."

"Why Bulgaria?"

"That is where Katerina's family is," Gretchen said, without any further explanation. The witch came into the room. Caroline could tell that she had spent most of the day crying, her face was drawn and her eyes red. "I met Klaus and Elijah when I was close to your age. I was young and stupid and my powers were unrefined. They took me in and helped me. It wasn't until many years later, when I tried to leave, that I realized Klaus meant to use me for his own gain. But I agreed to help. They had helped me, saved my life, why wouldn't I want to return the favor?"

"One night, many years ago, Klaus and Elijah had had a fight. I still never found out what it was about. But Klaus told me that should Elijah ever betray him, he would hide their family away. That he would need my help in doing so. I could make them invisible to Elijah. He would only be able to find them if I allowed it. I warned Elijah once. I told him of Klaus's contingency plan. He said nothing. He remained perfectly calm and thanked me for telling him."

"Klaus didn't take his family anywhere. He had me perform the spell here. The coffins are still below in the crypts."

Caroline's head shook slightly. "Then why did you tell Elijah that Klaus took them?"

"I loved Elijah. More than anything. Klaus has held it over my head for almost a century. The way he held their family over Elijah's. I love Elijah, but I fear Klaus. When Klaus returns from Bulgaria, he'll set his eye on Elijah next."

"Do you think he'll really kill his own brother?" Caroline countered.

Gretchen's brown eyes met hers, a centuries worth of knowledge tinged with completely hopelessness staring out at her. "Do you?"

Outside, Caroline could hear the arrival of horses. "Is he back already?"

Gretchen looked just as confused and the two of them rushed out of the room and down the stairs to see the commotion. They heard the screams of a few servants and Caroline caught the scent of fresh blood. She grabbed Gretchen's arm and held her back.

"We need to get out of here," she said quickly. Gretchen nodded.

Before they could turn, the doors that led from the great hall to the courtyard opened. Caroline held her breath, waiting to see who or what waited on the other side. She opened her stance, preparing herself to fight and defend both of them if she needed to. It could be anything on the other side of the door. Other vampire, the werewolves, and hadn't Elijah mentioned something about vampire hunters finding them out?

The door creaked wide open and there stood a tall, lean blonde man, flanked by two other vampires. His bloodstained hands clapped together and he smiled at them.

"Ah Gretchen, how delightful to see you again," he said walking forward.

Gretchen stepped forward, around Caroline protectively, glaring at the blonde, bearded man. "Now tell me my sweet witch, where might I find my son?"

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