Chapter 8

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"Caroline? Caroline?"

"Huh?" Caroline said dumbly, shaking herself out of her thoughts. She had been thinking about her dreams from the night before. About Klaus. They had been haunting her all morning. Before coming down to breakfast, she had checked the entrance to the crypt she had found the night before. It was completely sealed.

She glanced up at Elijah, who had been speaking to her. He was looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to answer him.

"I'm sorry," she said, "what did you say?"

"I said I'm going into the city today and asked if you would like to accompany me," he repeated, "I thought you might enjoy a chance to see some of the life outside of the castle. After all, you aren't from around here correct?"

"Yes, that sounds nice, thank you." Caroline enjoyed the prospect of being around semi-normal people. She'd had enough of vampires and their servants, and the outside world would certainly be more interesting than being cooped up in her room all day.

After breakfast, Caroline headed out with Elijah. There was no sign of Klaus that morning. Caroline wondered if he wasn't suffering from the biggest hangover ever, considering how many bottles of wine he had blasted through the night before. Elijah stopped in front of the stables and she frowned when she realized that she would have to be on horseback again.

"We really must teach you to ride," Elijah said as he helped Caroline onto the horse and climbed on behind her.

Elijah didn't invade her space as Klaus had. He didn't wrap his arm around her waist and pull her against his body. When they took off, she jerked in surprise, feeling less safe than she had the last time she had ridden a horse.

Meanwhile, Klaus watched from his window, glaring, as Elijah rode away with Caroline.

The city wasn't like Caroline expected. Even though she knew it was wrong, she had been picturing modern day London, or at least the modern day London she had seen in pictures. It wasn't like she had ever actually been there. She was thinking of Trafalgar square, with its bright lights and cars all around. She was picturing black cabs and tube stations and policemen with funny hats. But everything in 1492 was different. Except maybe the funny hats.

But the city was still alive with the same energy and excitement that it probably possessed in her time. Instead of loud cars, there were horses and carts. Farmers and butchers were shouting from shops, urging patrons to buy their products. Hammers clanged on metal as blacksmiths forged swords from steel. There was the smell of fresh bread in the air. Children ran and giggled around the horse as Elijah and Caroline trotted into town. He stopped by one of the stalls, helping Caroline down, and tossing a brass coin to a little boy in exchange for keeping an eye on his transportation.

"So, what are we here for?" Caroline asked, following Elijah into the crowd.

"It's Klaus's birthday in two days. We'll be having a celebration at the castle."

Caroline followed Elijah around, as he ran his errands, taking in the sites of the city. It seemed insane, but even 15th century London had more excitement than Mystic Falls.

"A flower for princess?"

Caroline looked down and saw a smudged little girl, with a basket of flowers on her arm, holding a red poppy out to her. She gave the little darling a warm smile.

"Oh thank you but—"

"Here you are sweetling," Elijah stepped over and offered the girl a coin, in exchange for the flower. Having earned her money, the tiny girl scampered off to find her next customer. Elijah turned back to Caroline, flower in his hand and reached up to place it behind her ear.

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