Chapter 10

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"Elijah! ELIJAH!"

Klaus roared as he entered the castle, carrying a bloodied and shaking Caroline in his arms. The bites were everywhere, on her neck on her arms, even a couple near her ribs. They had massacred her in the matter of seconds before he turned around and dispatched them all. It was easy and quick enough. They were four young and vicious cubs, out looking for fresh blood and trouble, but they possessed no combat skills whatsoever. But they were enough to over power a baby vampire and savage her, tearing into with their teeth and hands, before Klaus had a chance to stop them.

"Elijah!" Klaus called out a third time as he rushed up the stairs to his room. He laid Caroline gently down on his bed.

"What is it," Elijah groaned, entering his room. Then he straightened, his eyes dropping to Caroline's bloodied figure, "What's happened?"

"A pack of wolf cubs in the forest," Klaus explained, "go find Gretchen. She should be close."

Elijah nodded. "And the wolves?"

"I've taken care of them."

Elijah spun around and flashed away, Klaus turned to find some bandages, but Caroline latched onto him.

"Don't leave me," she sobbed, holding his arm in her iron grip.

Klaus turned back to her, gently removing her fingers from his forearm. "I'll be right back," he said to her and she nodded, gritting her teeth in pain.

Klaus ran to her room, searching through the drawers, trying to find extra rags or something to clean the blood off of her. It was all he could really do. She was done for. There was no cure for a wolf bite, whether it was transitioned or not, and she had suffered from several. The deadly venom would be working its way through her system. Caroline would be dead by dawn.

She screamed in pain in the next room, the sound ripping through him like a knife, and he flashed back to her, crouching down to her level.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She kept repeating.

The hallucinations had started. Klaus brushed the hair back from her sticky forehead, damp with sweat from fever, and did his best to calm her. She mumbled utter nonsense, in between her apologies for some unknown crime. Where the hell was Elijah with Gretchen?

Klaus moved to sit on the bed behind her, taking her into his arms, her poor body shaking uncontrollably. She turned and curled into him, throwing him off guard for a moment.

"I'm sorry," she whispered again, for the thousandth time.

"Shh love," Klaus purred, "it's alright."

He closed his eyes, running his hand up and down her arm soothingly, lulling them both into a deep sleep.

Caroline was alone, in the middle of the Mystic Falls gym. The lights were off, but the room was illuminated by the sunlight streaming through from the windows high above. She could hear the phantom sounds of fans cheering and shoes squeaking across the wooden floor. The Mystic Falls Timberwolf glared up from the middle of the court.

"What is this place?"

Caroline spun around. Klaus was standing there, in jeans and a henly t-shirt, wearing his trademark smirk.

"It's home," she said matter of factly.

"This is where you live in the future?"

Caroline laughed, taking a few steps toward him. "No. This is where I go to high school. It's my high school gym."

Klaus looked around, taking in the gigantic room. "So this is what the future looks like."

"Yep," she nodded, "care to see the rest?"

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