Chapter 11

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Klaus sneered at the lone werewolf in his dungeon. He had kept the boy alive, barely. The wolf would be of some use to him in the coming week.

"Klaus," Elijah called to him, coming down the stairs and into the dungeon. "Gretchen informed me that Caroline is awake."

Klaus looked over at his brother, then back at the wolf one last time, before leaving the dungeon and heading back to the ground floor.

"You took care of the bodies in the field?"

"I left them where the rest of the pack would find them," Elijah replied, "and out of the sight of humans. I imagine that the pack won't seek us out again for the time being."

"Good." Klaus continued walking through the corridor, heading through the courtyard, past the entrance to his rooms. "I'm going for a hunt, it's been days."

"Don't you want to check on Caroline first?" Elijah asked, bewildered by his reaction. He had seen his brother the night before. The hint of fear in his eyes when he had brought Caroline into his room, bloodied and battered. The emotion was subtle and well hidden, but Elijah knew his brother well enough to know that it was there. It had been a lifetime since Klaus had showed any emotion akin to worry for anyone outside of their family, and even then those affections where few and far between.

"You've seen her?" Klaus said over his shoulder.

"I have."

"And she is fine?"

Elijah nodded slowly. "Yes."

Klaus stood still for a moment, his lips pursed in thought. "Then I'm off. And Elijah?"


"Have her moved to Rebekah's old rooms on the other side of the castle while I'm gone."

Elijah nodded again. Without another word, Klaus hurried from the courtyard and went off into the setting sun.

Elijah had come to Caroline, while she was still in Klaus's room, and informed her that she would be moved to the rooms on the opposite end of the castle.

"Why the change?" She asked, confused.

"My brother thought you might be more comfortable with more privacy," Elijah replied, rather cryptically.

Caroline wasn't buying it. His story didn't make sense. All Klaus had done was invade her privacy and space since the moment she arrived. She'd barely had a moment alone, except to sleep, without one of them breathing down her neck.

The kiss. It had to have been the kiss. Caroline felt her body respond to the memory of their hot little makeout session in the woods. She knew it was a bad idea to let go of herself like that! But holy hell it had been hot; Klaus's hands on her naked skin, pulling her in, kissing her roughly. It was sexy and dangerous and everything she secretly fantasized about.

She felt another wave of lust go through her treacherous body and she hoped that neither Gretchen nor Elijah noticed as they walked through the halls. So why then was Klaus banishing her to the other side of the castle? She'd be lying if she hadn't had one or two fantasies about him coming through that secret passage between their rooms and ravishing her in her sleep.

No! She had to stop this! This was not a freaking romance novel! Klaus was not an epic hero and she wasn't some damsel in distress—well that wasn't true was it? She had been nothing but the damsel in distress since she'd been there. Getting stranded, falling into holes in the ground, getting attacked by werewolves, how embarrassing.

Well no more, she decided, that would be the last time Caroline would need Klaus of all people to save her. She would save herself. She would protect the doppelganger and stay away from Klaus and get Gretchen to help her find out her task and get home. She smiled to herself as she walked through the courtyard and followed Elijah up to her new rooms. She felt better already.

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