Chapter 30

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Klaus watched Caroline turn from him and leave the room. He downed the rest of the champagne in his glass, swallowing roughly. He couldn't shake the feeling that continued to pull at his muscles and drag him down inch by inch. His emotions were getting the best of him.

He finished off the champagne, trying to calm his nerves and anger. It wouldn't do him any good to head out into a crowd of ripe teenagers and slaughter every last one of them. It wasn't like the old days.

"Niklaus, we have to go," Rebekah said rushing into his solar. It was the middle of the night. In the distance he could hear the villagers rushing to attack. To kill. To avenge the blood that he had taken from him. Killing was the only thing that brought him joy anymore. Feasting on the lives of others, he picked his victims well. Misery loved company and he had spread it around the city like a plague. Klaus sat in his red and gold velvet chair, humming to himself, and empty green bottle dangling from his hands. He sat there, staring blankly into the fire.


"Do you know how long is has been?" Klaus drawled. Rebekah's emerald skirts swept across the floor as she hurried to his side. She tugged at his arm, trying to get him to move, but he remained still in his drunken trance.

"Did you hear me? Brother!"

"Seventy-five," Klaus ignored her, "seventy-five agonizing days since she perished."

Rebekah dropped down in front of him, grabbing his face and forcing his eyes on her.

"We have to run," she said slowly.

"What's the point," Klaus replied, "there's nothing for me to run to. No Caroline. No doppelganger—"

He was cut off when Rebekah drew her hand back and slapped him across the face. He growled at her and jumped from the chair, grabbing her by the throat and pushing her into the wall.

"Finally a reaction out of you," she choked out. Klaus held her there firmly for a few moments, watching her face turn purple and red, before he let her go. "You've been nothing but a walking corpse for days. Nothing else really matters Nik? Not your life or mine? Not reuniting our family? Defeating Mikael?"

"You should go," Klaus said to her, "before the hunters arrive."

Rebekah stood in front of him again, her eyes shining with tears. "I won't leave you Nik. We said we'd stay together. Always and forever. Or have you forgotten that? Has this one dead girl made you forget?"

"Don't," Klaus yelled, "don't you dare!"

Klaus walked to the window. He saw the villagers coming over the hill with their torches. In just a few moments they would be at his door. His sister stood behind him, he could feel her watching his back, silently begging him to run.

"Is this what you want then? To meet your end at the hands of a toothless farmer with an ax?"

"They can't kill me," he replied.

"No but they can tear your limbs from your body and scatter them across all of England. Is that what you want? Niklaus Mikaelson, the world's most hated and feared vampire, defeated by a group of angry humans because he was too pathetic to even bother fighting back."

Klaus knew what she was doing. She was trying to appeal to his ego. But in his drunken misery, even that couldn't convince him to move. However, the thought of being alive while being ripped apart held no comfort. If he really wanted to die, he would make sure that he would really be dead. But in the mean time, he would make Mikael regret ever leaving him alive.

He spun around and faced his sister, a sick smile twisting his face. His fangs dropped and his face transformed as he let the monster take over. He felt better already.

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