Chapter 7

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They spent the night on the road, rising early the next morning and heading out again as quickly as possible. Klaus was eager to reach the house by midday. Caroline resumed her position on his horse, his arm securing her in place. They rode in silence, Caroline still pondering their conversation from the night before. She came to the conclusion that Klaus had to be one of the most pessimistic and jaded people she had ever met, even more so than Damon.

At just midday, they reached Klaus's second home. Caroline gaped at the size. It was even larger than the first. Servants greeted them as they arrived. She didn't know how they knew to expect their party. It wasn't like they could text them or anything. Klaus helped her off the horse and gave out instructions to the servants.

"Give Caroline the tour, I'll attend to the carriage," he said to Elijah. Elijah nodded and approached Caroline, offering her his arm.

"Come I'll show you around. This home is quite bigger than our last."

Caroline smiled and took his arm. Elijah led her through the entrance and into the house. She threw one last look over her shoulder, back at Klaus and the carriage. What the hell was in there that was so important, she wondered.

Elijah took her around the home. There was a great hall and a kitchen and servants quarters. Tapestries and sculptures and paintings were hung all around. There was also a large courtyard in the middle of everything, with a garden and a wooden gazebo. At each end of the courtyard was an entryway that led to a different wing of the castle. Instead of two wings, this castle had four, one in each direction.

"I am in the south wing, Klaus is in the north," Elijah said.

"Where will I be?"

"In the north."

Caroline rolled her eyes. "Of course."

Elijah stifled a chuckle and led her upstairs. The set up was similar to the previous home. Klaus had his room, his solar, but there was also an entire room for the wardrobe. The spare room, where Caroline would be staying, was larger too.

"Any secret passages in this place?" Caroline inquired playfully.

"Klaus showed you?" Elijah asked surprised.

"It's how we escaped the fire."

Elijah stepped to the wall and placed his hands against the white brick. He slid his fingers along the grooves until he found the exact spot, pushing forward. The wall moved, scraping slightly against the stone floor. Caroline's eyes widened and she looked through. There was Klaus's room on the other side.

"Good to know," she muttered to herself.

Elijah showed her around her own room, making sure she knew where extra dresses and gowns were located. She wondered why these two men seemed to be so prepared with woman's clothing.

"So Klaus said that you were supposed to tell me what is in the carriage."

Elijah narrowed his gaze at her, a slowly smile spreading across his face and crinkling his eyes. "Good try Caroline."

She smiled and shrugged innocently. "It was worth a shot."

"Why do you want to know?"

"I'm curious. Klaus won't tell me."

"Then neither can I." Caroline nodded, understanding. "However I will tell you that you are safe."

Caroline scoffed. "Safe? What do you mean? I think I'm the farthest from safe I've ever been."

"Klaus hasn't killed you yet, which means he won't."

Caroline had to laugh. Klaus was concerned about Elijah killing her, but here was Elijah reassuring her that Klaus wasn't going to do the job himself.

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