Chapter 25

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~~~~One Week Later~~~~

Klaus sat in cab of the semi truck that he had been using to cart around his precious coffins. Elijah, Finn, and Kol were tucked safely away, along with the Ripper, who had thoroughly pissed him off. Stefan was currently out of commission, due to Klaus's temper.

Next to him sat Rebekah. He had awoken his sister again, after nearly a century in her coffin. Things had been a bit rocky at the start, but Rebekah was acclimating well. She had already proven her loyalty once again by sniffing out Stefan's lies. There was something the Ripper was hiding from him.

Now they were back in Mystic Falls, where all roads seemed to lead, to find out exactly what Klaus seemed to be missing in his quest for his hybrid army.

"Will she be there?" Rebekah asked. "Caroline?"

"I don't want to talk about Caroline," Klaus said, shutting her down.

"Oh come on Nik," she coaxed, "you never talk about her anymore."

"How would you know? You've been asleep for the past hundred years."

"Whose fault is that?" Rebekah countered. "Is she already dead then?"

"You're sensitivity knows no bounds, Rebekah," Klaus glanced over at her quickly and then away again, "yes, she is dead now. I saw her the last time I was in Mystic Falls."

Rebekah knew the story. Klaus had told his sister every detail the last time he had awoken her from her daggered sleep. The night of Caroline's death.

Rebekah had always harbored a jealous yet endeared curiosity about her. In the beginning, she would bother her brother with questions about the girl who stoles her dresses and slept in her bed, but Klaus made it known that after their initial conversation about his short time with Caroline, he had no desire to speak of it ever again.

"So, what's the plan then?" Rebekah asked changing the subject.

"Come on you guys! We have to be making memories!"

It was after dark and they were at school. It was weird, to say the least, but it was tradition. Caroline stood in a classroom, surrounded by her friends, trying to convince them to get into the grand tradition of senior prank night. Elena, Matt, Bonnie, and Tyler were not nearly as excited, as Caroline wanted them to be.

For the past week Caroline had thrown herself back into the excitement of their upcoming senior year and she was dragging all of her friends along with her. She had shelved the whole Klaus thing for the time being. It wasn't that she was giving up on him. She just couldn't do it, not now. Her loyalty had to remain to her friends. As much as she missed him, and wished she could at least let him know she was ok, there was just no way that was possible in the present.

For now, the present meant school, extra curricular activities and senior prank night.

"Fine," Elena said hopping off the desk at the front of the classroom, "I'm going to go super glue Alaric's desk shut."

Caroline beamed at her. "That's the spirit!"

Matt and Bonnie headed out to toilet paper the school swimming pool, which left Tyler and Caroline alone.

"So..."Tyler said, walking up to her, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"Wanna help me put honey on the classroom doorknobs?" Caroline asked waving a bear shaped plastic jar in front of him.

Tyler chuckled. "Sure."

Klaus left Stefan and Rebekah outside behind the school, near the dumpsters, where no one was likely to find them. The ripper was awake again and well aware of their return to his home. Klaus smirked to himself; the look on his face had been priceless. It gave away everything. Not only did Stefan not want to be in Mystic Falls, but he also looked downright terrified that they had returned. Klaus realized that Stefan had been trying his hardest to keep him away from Mystic Falls and if Stefan was trying to keep him away, that could only mean one thing: The doppelganger was still alive.

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