Chapter 6

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While Klaus disappeared to wherever, Caroline assisted Elijah with preparations to leave. Elijah told her there wasn't really any packing to do. Apparently they would have everything they needed at the home in London. Caroline didn't have anything to take with her anyways. All of her clothes from home and her phone had burned. She fingered the heart necklace at her throat, thankful she had been wearing it the whole time. She would have hated to lose it.

Elijah had left her with the task of compelling the servants, a job she was more than happy to do, after listening to Elijah compel one of them with the most boring and depressing backstory ever. She shooed him away and continued to think up happy memories for each of them.

"You've been travelling the countryside, taking in all the beautiful sights," she told one of the girls, not much older than herself, "when you get back home, you'll meet a really cute guy and fall madly in love with him and get married and have lots of babies."

The girl smiled at the thought Caroline planted in her head. The cheerleader patted herself on the back.

"I don't know where you come from that everyone has such happy lives," Klaus said from behind her. She turned around and scowled at him. "If she even makes it back home she'll probably end up working as a scullery maid in another rich man's home and die a spinster."

Caroline turned toward him crossing her arms, "Oh and you can do better?"

"Sending them away and telling them to forget us suits me well enough," he shrugged, standing in front of her now.

"Where's your imagination?"

"Life is no song," Klaus said narrowing his eyes.**

Caroline squared her chin. "No. But life is what you make it."

The two of them stood there, face to face, locked in a staring contest. Caroline could see the hint of mocking the crinkle of his eye and the tick of his jaw. It was so annoying, but at the same time, her heart was pounding in her chest.

"Klaus, you've returned." Elijah shouted over, breaking the moment. He walked over and joined them.

Klaus turned toward his brother. "Is everything ready?"

"Yes, the carriage is packed up and the house has been secured."

Caroline glanced around. She hadn't seen or heard Elijah packing up anything. What carriage? She must have been very focused on her compelling to not have noticed.

"The horses are ready and out front as well, I think it's time to go," Klaus said.

"Horses?" Caroline paled.

"Yes horses," Klaus replied, "we can't run the entire way."

Elijah and Klaus turned from her and walked around to the front of the house. Sure enough, there was a horse drawn carriage accompanied by two extra horses. Elijah walked forward and climbed onto the brown stallion leading the carriage. Klaus stepped toward his own, a black and white stallion. Next to it was a brown mare with white spots, Caroline assumed that one was supposed to be for her. She gulped as she stared at the large animal, only getting within a few feet of it.

"Not a fan of horses sweetheart?" Klaus asked climbing onto his stallion.

"I like horses," Caroline replied, "but it doesn't mean I know how to ride one."

"You don't know how to ride?" Klaus looked at her as if she had sprouted a second head.

"We don't travel by horse in the fut—" Caroline stopped before she finished. Klaus had flashed off his horse and landed in front of her, a single finger placed over her lips to silence her. His eyes flicked back to Elijah, who hadn't taken notice of the exchange. She watched Klaus visibly relax and remove his finger from her lips.

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