Chapter 29

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"He says he felt like he owed Klaus for turning him and all," Caroline said to Bonnie as the stood outside, listening to the band play. They had all been surprised at Tyler letting Klaus take over his mansion for a night. No one more so than Caroline, knowing the secret of hers that Tyler knew.

"It's not like Klaus did it out of the goodness of his heart," Bonnie quipped.

"That's what I said."

She didn't quite understand Tyler's reasoning, but who was she to question. She had fallen in love with the damnable hybrid against her better judgment. Still, it unnerved her that Tyler had changed his tune so willingly.

"So you and Tyler..." Bonnie nudged her with her elbow.

"Just friends."

"You sure? Is it because of the hybrid stuff?"

"No," Caroline said, "I'm off guys. It's Single Caroline from here to graduation."

"You do realize that graduation is still like eight months away?" Bonnie smirked.

Caroline made a face. "Shut up."

"Hey guys," Elena said coming up to join them, "what'd I miss?"

Caroline turned to Elena. She looked gorgeous with her curled hair and black homecoming dress. But something seemed off about her. Caroline just couldn't decide what exactly that was.

"What'd you miss?" Caroline shook her head, "what did I miss? You guys staked Mikael. I know I was out of commission but I thought you would at least catch me up on the important things."

"Sorry," Elena shrugged, "Damon wanted to keep things quiet until we knew what we were going to do about him."

"This is quiet?" Bonnie said gesturing to the party around them.

Elena shrugged again and took another sip of her beer.

Another song ended and everyone cheered, holding their cups up in a toast to the killer time they were all having. The band was pretty awesome though. Caroline tried to ignore the fact that it was probably a better party than the one she had planned. Her eyes slid to Klaus who was weaving his way through the crowd, talking to Stefan. Stefan was look thoughtful and broody and like he was still pretending he didn't care about anything.

"You know what," Caroline said, "screw it! What can possibly happen with all these people around? It's senior homecoming and I'm enjoying tonight even if it kills me!"

"Here, here," Bonnie teased, raising her cup to Caroline. The three girls clinked their red cups together.

"Now, I'm going to find Tyler and we are going to dance!"

Suspicion was a feeling that Klaus had lived with for near millennia. It more or less buried itself within a man permanently when he lived his existence constantly on the run. That was the reason Klaus's eyes and ears were open for something. Even though Mikael was dead, it still felt to good to be true. He couldn't fathom how his weak, human doppelganger had managed to achieve what he had been trying to accomplish since damn near the beginning of time.

But for now he was protected by his hybrids. They were weaved throughout the party, mingling with the teenagers, and keeping their eyes and ears open for anything...odd. Rebekah was in the corner, terrorizing the homecoming queen. Elena was accounted for, sharing a glass of cheap beer with her witchy friend. Stefan had made himself known, reasserting his fake loyalty. Caroline was in the middle of the crowd, dancing, with Tyler. Klaus's jaw clenched watching them move together, Caroline throwing her head back and laughing at something he said.

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