Chapter 13

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Klaus listened as Caroline's breathing evened out and she fell asleep in his arms, her body warm against his. The party had begun to disperse downstairs. He had been with Caroline for quite a while now. But he couldn't bring himself to leave her just yet. Especially when she nuzzled into his side and wrapped her arm tightly around him in her sleep. He smiled down at her, pressing his nose into her hair.

But he had to get back downstairs. He had to get back to the doppelganger before she left. He should have been spending the evening with her, bedding her, hearing her call his name in the throes of passion.

He winced, slipping out of Caroline's grasp, careful not to disturb her. He scooped up his discarded clothes on the floor, he quickly dressing himself, and slipping out of her room. He didn't look back at her as he left, knowing that if he did, he wouldn't have the willpower to go.

Downstairs, he saw that the doppelganger was still lingering around, occupied by Elijah and Trevor. He ignored Elijah's judgmental look as he approached them, all smiles and charm for the doppelganger.

"So sorry to have disappeared," he said to his guests.

Katerina bowed gracefully toward him. "Is everything alright my lord?"

"Just a small matter to attend to, nothing more," Klaus replied.

"Anything I can help you with brother?" Elijah cut in.

"Not anything that concerns you Elijah," Klaus snapped, keeping the smile on his face. Sometimes Elijah was too observant for his own good.

"Well the hour grows late Lord Niklaus, I'm afraid we must be off," Trevor said from behind Katerina.

Klaus looked at the girl, "May I escort you to your carriage my lady? I regret that our time together was cut short."

The doppelganger took his hand. "You certainly may my lord."

He led the girl outside, to where their horses were waiting; Trevor had wisely stayed behind for a few moments to let Klaus have her alone.

"Did you enjoy your birthday my lord?" The girl asked.

Caroline's face, in complete ecstasy, flashed before his eyes. Klaus smirked to himself, thinking about her still naked upstairs. "Yes. Very much. It was better than I could have imagined."

She turned to him, her eyes sparkling, expectant. Klaus shifted his thoughts, focusing on the matter at hand. He arranged his features, preparing himself to play the role of polite and gracious Lord.

"I hope you don't think me forward Katerina," Klaus said, "but I would very much like it if you would be a guest in my home while you are in London."

Katerina bowed slightly, her eyes staying coolly on his. "I am at your service my lord," she replied with a flirtatious grin.

Klaus smirked, the double meaning of her words did not go unnoticed. This doppelganger was different than the diminutive girl she pretended to be. Taking the cue, Klaus leaned forward and placed his lips on hers, and Katerina melted into his kiss.

It was nothing, but skin on skin. No fire, no passion. Not like...he quickly pulled away from the doppelganger.

"Is something the matter my lord?"

Klaus cleared his throat, "Not at all. I believe I hear Trevor approaching. Goodnight Katerina, until tomorrow."

With a quick bow, he turned from her, and headed back inside, passing Trevor on the way. He strode through the courtyard, where the servants were busy cleaning up from the celebration, and headed in the direction of Caroline.

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