Chapter 12

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Klaus's birthday reminded her of any other fancy party that she had ever attended in her life. There was an abundance of alcohol, followed by an extravagant dinner, and then dancing. Well maybe the dancing was a little unusual, but apparently it's what people did for fun in this day and age. Elijah invited Caroline to sit with him at dinner, introducing her to some of the vampires that were in attendance. She found that she was actually enjoying herself. It was much better than the midnight feast. Way less sinister. Everyone was having a good time.

Her eyes kept flicking over to Klaus. She couldn't help it. He seemed completely engrossed in Katerina. He whispered in her ear and found any excuse to touch her while she simpered and laughed at everything he said. Caroline couldn't help feeling completely flattened. It was like her human life all over again, when she was insecure and always envious of Elena. Elena who got all the boys and all the friends and all the attention no matter how hard Caroline tried. Here was another woman, with Elena's face, getting the attention once again.

Caroline shook her head, taking a large gulp of wine, and scolding herself. She shouldn't be envious of her. Shallow, insecure Caroline was a thing of the past. And really why was she jealous in the first place? There was absolutely no reason to be jealous.

"Jealous of whom?" Elijah inquired next to her.

She let out a small hiccup. Had she said that out loud?

"Nothing," she replied shaking her head innocently. But Elijah had already followed her eye line to where Klaus and Katerina were seated.

"I suppose I should have mentioned this before," Elijah said, "I know that you and my brother have grown...close."

"That's not true." She said quickly. Was there nothing that escaped Elijah's attention?

Elijah leaned in close, whispering in Caroline's ear, though no one else was paying any attention to their conversation. "It was always the plan for Klaus to court the doppelganger, so that we could bring her into our home and keep her close."

Caroline's eyes flicked in their direction again and then quickly away. Klaus was looking at her, a deep frown on his face. What could possibly be his problem?

"So Klaus is going to seduce her and then sacrifice her?" Caroline snorted.

Elijah laughed. "Something like that."

Caroline rolled her eyes. In the words of Damon Salvatore, what a dick.

Just then one of the servants came in and announced that it was time for the dance to begin. Everyone made their way out to the courtyards. Elijah, ever the gentleman, helped Caroline from her chair and escorted her out to the courtyard.

The clear night sky sparkled overhead as torches casted a brilliant orange glow around the yard. A band of musicians sat in the corner, awaiting the lord and ladies to take their places. Caroline's arm was looped through Elijah's. She could feel Klaus somewhere behind her, with Katerina, and forced herself not to look back.

"Elijah wait," she said jerking him back.

He cocked his head at her. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know these dances," Caroline said, "my—where I come from—we have a different way of dancing."

Elijah gave her a warm smile. "Don't worry. It's easy to follow. And with vampire reflexes, you'll be fine."

Elijah led her out to the dance floor, standing across from her, and she held her breath nervously as she waited for the music to start. From the corner of her eye, she spotted Klaus across from Katerina. Soon, the music began and Caroline reacted, copying the movements of the girls next to her. She slowly stepped in as Elijah held out his hands. They touched briefly and then spun around, before parting again and bowing. This happened twice. Ok, Caroline thought, I can do this. This is easy.

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