Chapter 4

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Klaus had given her a quick rundown of the rules of this new deal before they left Gretchen's. He told her about the doppelganger and the sun and moon curse and all the gritty details of breaking his curse. Things she already knew, but she had to pretend she was hearing them for the first time, just to humor him. His eyes glimmered as he described to her exactly how close he was to breaking the curse.

"There will be enemies of mine, who will try to kill the doppelganger before I can complete the ritual," he said, "so you will protect her with your life. Once the sacrifice is complete, I will take you here to Gretchen and she will send you home."

Caroline had no choice but to obey, she mused as they walked through the forest back toward Klaus's home. Honestly though, how hard would it be to protect the doppelganger? She already knew how that story ended.

Suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks. The doppelganger! Katherine! How could she be so stupid? Again she remembered that the ritual never came to pass in this lifetime. That Katherine escaped and became a vampire and Klaus didn't have another chance to break the curse until he found Elena. Shit! What would she do? If Klaus never broke the curse then he wouldn't allow Gretchen to send her home. He'd probably just kill her. She would have to make sure Katherine made it to the sacrificial alter this time.

But then Caroline shook her head. No, she couldn't do that. If Katherine died, then Stefan and Damon would never become vampires, and neither would she. Which would all probably be ok, but then she also realized that Elena would die. Stefan had saved Elena from the accident that killed her parents on the Wickery Bridge. If Stefan wasn't still alive in 2009 to save her, then she would die.

Caroline pinched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger and squeezed her eyes shut. All this time stuff was so confusing. She was going to screw something up, she just knew it, and ruin everyone's lives. Oh why did she and Bonnie and Elena come up with this completely stupid plan?

Things that are meant to happen always do. Caroline remembered Gretchen's earlier words. She took a deep, calming breath and opened her eyes, nearly jumping out of her skin when she saw Klaus in front of her. He had his head cocked at her, staring in amusement.

"Anything the matter love?"

Caroline brushed the hair out of her face and rallied herself. "Nothing. I'm fine." She stepped forward but Klaus grabbed the crook of her elbow, holding her back. Something about his fingers on his skin made her shiver.

"Not thinking about going back on our arrangement are you?"

Caroline frowned. "No. I'll play your stupid game and keep the doppelganger safe. You have my word." She tried to move forward again, but his hand on her arm prevented her from escaping.

"I wonder if compulsion is now an option," he said, his eyes flicking across her face. "I assume whatever you ingested before we met is now out of your system or did you manage to drink some of that water while you were down in the pit?"

Actually, she had thought of that. Through the haze of the pain, she did remember that she her goal that night had been to discover a source of vervain. The liquid had stung her throat unbearably and burned her from the inside out in addition to the damage it had been doing to her skin.

"I told you I'd stay and protect the doppelganger and I'll do it," she said turning slightly toward him, "you have some serious trust issues don't you?"

He licked his lips and gave her a smirk. "You haven't given me much of a reason to trust you so far love. I suppose you wouldn't mind a little test then."

Caroline gulped, but tried to remain nonchalant as she shrugged her acquiesce. "Fine. Compel me if it makes you feel better."

She could pretend to be compelled. Hopefully he didn't ask her to do anything too horrible.

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