Chapter 26

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Caroline had been imagining the moment for weeks, ever since she had woken up back in the present time. Hundreds of scenarios had crossed her mind about how they would find each other again. She had imagined running and jumping into Klaus's arms, feeling his lips on hers, finally telling him that she loved him and maybe, just maybe, hearing him say it back.

Now the moment had finally arrived. There was no running, no jumping, no epic declarations. She just stood there, frozen, unable to take a single step toward him. Her throat felt dry and her hands shook at her sides. Klaus gaped at her from across the room, looking at her like she was a ghost. He fell forward, half a step in her direction, before stopping himself.

A strangled cry from Tyler broke the tension. Caroline's head snapped toward where he lay writhing on the shiny floor. He was already going rabid, his eyes beginning to bleed, just like the man in woods.

"Nik!" Rebekah called out. "What's the matter?"

Klaus turned his head toward his sister, shaking himself out of his trance.

"I'll let you know in a moment," Klaus replied. He walked toward Tyler and crouched down beside him. "The original witch seems to think that killing the doppelganger is the answer to my problems. However, I have a feeling that it is her life, rather than her death that is the key to making hybrids."

Klaus held up a vial, containing a dark red liquid, and waved it in front of Tyler's face. "Take it. Drink."

"What is it?" Tyler asked, his breathing strained and shallow.

"It's a sample of the doppelganger's blood."

Caroline watched Tyler glance up at Elena. She noticed a nasty cut down Elena's arm draining blood onto the floor. The cut, no doubt, had come from Klaus.

"Do it Tyler," Elena said.

Tyler took the tiny vial from Klaus's hand and lifted it to his lips, letting the liquid slid down his throat. Caroline bit her lip in anticipation, unsure of whether she wanted this to work or not. If it didn't work, then Tyler would die, and Klaus would probably kill Elena. But if it did, that meant that Elena's blood was the key to making more hybrids. She didn't even want to think of the complications the latter would mean.

Tyler sucked down the blood and threw the empty vial away. His hands slammed down onto the gym floor, causing Caroline to jump, as he started growling and moaning. The room was quiet, everyone holding a collective breath, waiting to see what would happen. Klaus watched him with steady eyes, an unspoken prayer of hope hanging on his lips.

"Tyler?" Caroline said softly, taking a couple steps forward.

Suddenly his head shot up, his eyes yellow, his fangs bared.

"That's a good sign," Klaus mused standing beside him.

It had all happened so quickly. Tyler had transitioned to vampire and then into a wolf and took off. Caroline hesitated, her eyes flicking between Elena, Klaus, and the direction Tyler had run off. She didn't want to leave Elena there, without any allies.

"Go after him," she heard Stefan call to her. She glanced over at him and he gave her a reassuring nod. For a moment she recognized the old Stefan.

"That's right. Run after my hybrid love," Klaus said, "let me know how he fairs will you?"

An awful smirked crossed his lips. He looked like the cat that got the canary. Nothing like the man in the past that she had fallen for. Her brows knitted together, but she said nothing to him. What could she possibly say now in front of Stefan and Elena and his sister? At that moment, Tyler was more important. She needed to go after him before he hurt another person or himself. Without another thought, she flashed off after him.

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