Chapter 23

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Caroline could hear the birds happily singing their morning song. She groaned. Her head was killing her. Her whole body was killing her. Damn birds. What did they have to be so happy about anyways? She rolled over and reached out for her pillow, grabbing it and tucking it under her head. A contented sigh left her lips as she snuggled into her bed.

Nice try Niklaus.

Caroline's eyes shot open. "Mikael!"

She sat up quickly in her bed, her eyes flicking frantically around the room. In her bed. Hers. She was back, in her room, in the present day. The familiar yellow walls welcomed her as the morning light streamed in through her gauzy, white curtains. Mikael had killed her in front of Klaus and sent her back.

"Caroline?" She heard her mom's voice coming down the hall. "Is that you?"

Liz burst through the door and saw her daughter, sitting there on her bed.

"Mom," Caroline scrambled up and ran into her mother's arms. She thought she would never see her again.

Liz squeezed her back. "Thank god. You finally made it," she pulled away and cradled Caroline's face, "Elena and Bonnie told me everything. You're in trouble young lady. But right now, all that matters is that you're home."

Her mom pulled her back in for another hug.

"I'm ok mom," she said apologetically, "I promise."

Liz finally pulled away and switched quickly into angry mother mode. "What were you three even thinking? Messing with magic?"

"We weren't thinking, that's the point," Caroline admitted.

"You weren't thinking that's exactly the point!" Liz agreed loudly, her mouth hanging open for a moment, and then shutting awkwardly. "You stole my angry mother thunder."

Caroline let out a small laugh. "Look mom, do you think you could yell at me about this later? I need to go talk to Bonnie."

"Bonnie's gone. She's with her dad and her family for the rest of the summer."

"Oh," Caroline said, feeling slightly indignant that Bonnie would just pick up and leave while she was freakin' stuck in the middle ages. "Elena's then."

Liz nodded. "I'm heading to work. As soon as you get home though, you're grounded."

Caroline nodded. She wanted to laugh again. Being grounded was the least of the punishments she had received lately. Liz left to go to work and Caroline grabbed her cell phone on her nightstand.

"Elena, it's me. I'm back."

After getting dressed and downing a blood bag, Caroline quickly drove over to Elena's. Elena grabbed her into a fierce hug the moment she saw her.

"I'm so so sorry Care, I can't believe we ever thought that a time travel spell would be a good idea," Elena said.

"It's ok. Seriously, if I was human you'd be choking me right now," Caroline grunted under her friend's iron hug.

"Oh," Elena released her and stepped back so that Caroline could come inside.

"It's not your fault. If anything it's the stupid universe's."

Elena cocked her head to the side. "What are you talking about?"

"I'll tell you in a minute. First thing's first. How long have I been gone and what have I missed?"

The two girls went into the Elena's living room and sat down on the couch as Elena caught her up on what had been going down in Mystic Falls since Caroline had been in the 15th century.

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