The AMAZON between us (3/3)

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After an hour and some intense research on the couch, the rooms and actually everywhere, Craig got almost 4 bucks on coins. He had some money now, but where could he get something for Tweek that's not online?

He wondered walking around the town ending on the main street. That's when he realized... the stores! Stores sell stuff too! A smile curved his lips just to disappear almost as quick as it formed once he payed more attention. Everything was closed and everyone out of business...

Just great, was there actually any hope left in the world for him? No online shopping, no deliveries, no bike parade, no christmas? He sighed for the thousand time that day when some bells called his attention... No way...


The whole town cheered up at the old man arrival. IT WAS FINE! There was still some hope left! Or at least that's what he thought before Mr. Hankey was mentioned... 'Oh shit.' Was the only thing on Craig's mind at the moment. And what preserved once the man in red fled wishing them good luck while sucking dick.

Craig gave up, no matter how much he tried nothing was working out for him. He was done with all this stuff.

"Craig! Wait up!" A familiar raspy voice called out his name.

"Tweek? What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you the same! I told you I came with my parents, we were on our way to the shop when Santa appeared. What are YOU doing here?"

"I wanted to buy you something, but everything is closed. This fucking sucks, dude. We can't do anything. We have nothing for the parade either."

"OH MY GOD!! MY PARENTS ARE SO GONNA SELL ME!!" Tweek cried, he was scared and hopeless now. Craig tried to comfort him but it was hard, he was on full panic mode.

The raven tried his best, wrapping him between his arms and talking low and slow on his 'Tweek voice' to calm him down. It wasn't working at all this time.

"Ehmm... excuse me?" A girl with brown curly hair interrupted. She looked familiar.

"Fuck off! I'm kinda busy here!"

"Can you just listen for a damn second!? We're trying to be nice here!" The girl and her friend were back, at a terrible time. What did they want anyways? "We've heard you need help with the bike parade and we'd want to help."

Craig wanted to tell them to go fuck themselves, but noticed Tweek's stop twitching a little bit and paying actual attention to the girls. "What help?"

"Bikes. Or more like A bike." The redhead explained. "You see, we've been friends for quite a while and since you two became a thing we've been wondering if we should... you know..."

"Date?" Craig answered a little surprised.

"Y-Yeah..." The brunette continued. "So for the parade we wanted to do something together, and since we finally decided to be something else like you we wanted to invite you since you inspired us."

"So you wanna thank us with a bike?"

"Yes and no, we wanted to go on two double bikes decorated with lollipops and stars and cute colors."

"That sounds gay." Craig complained.

"We know, right!?" The red head exclaimed excited. "BUT you have been rude with us lately."

"Oh come on! What do you want me to do? Apologize? I don't need your stupid bike!"

Both girls puffed their checks and turned around, a shaky hand immediately grabbed at Craig's jacket, he looked down and found two bright teary green eyes filled with angst and despair, that's when Craig remembered the reason why he did all this in the first place.

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