I suck at this

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Craig is bad expressing himself, Tweek is bad at how to comfort people. They'll have to try anyways.


It was unusual from him. At least now and from Tweek's perspective.

Craig was known to be cold and pretty apathetic with others. The tone of his voice was monotone and bored like he didn't care and sure most time he didn't. A short combination of words perfectly choosen to sound direct and distant. This was Craig Tucker, but not the one Tweek has been dating for almost a year now.

Behind that facade, Craig was a dork. He got excited for things often than most people would believe, things that others may actually found boring or stupid. The hands that has broken noises and tooth from his rivals could be very gentle and caressing. And that dirty mouth of him that spoke out loud curses and profanities could also pronounce sweet words and a huge catalog of pet names.

Tweek knew Craig better than anyone. So when he got that call he noticed something was definitely off with him.

"Can you come to my place?"

"Craig? What's go-"

"Can you come or not?"

"I-I'll be there... I need to do some-"

"How long?"

"Uhmm... how long...? like... ten minutes I guess? Is it something wro-"

"Ok. Bye."

The conversation played on his mind over an over again. This sure was the Craig Tucker people knew, but not the sweet and caring boyfriend HE knew. He was being way too cold and keeping a distance and sure it hurt Tweek's heart.

Maybe he was mad at him? Did he made something to upset Craig that much? He can't remember... WHAT IF HE WANTED TO BREAK UP WITH HIM BECAUSE HE REALIZED TWEEK WAS A FREAK!?

As usual only the bad endings showed up on the blonde's mind. He tugged at his shirt while walking down the street trying to prepare himself for the inevitable conclusion of their relationship.

It may be a little rude, but since both of them got keys for each other house none of them knocked at the door anymore and just proceeded to walk in the house and look for the other's room.

Upstairs, he found a little girl in the hall walking out from the bathroom. Tweek gave her a tiny smile and a 'hi'.

With a sad expression, Tricia just turned her head and walked into her room. THIS GIRL, the girl who usually kidnaps him to play with and looks at every opportunity to be near him when Craig is not looking... just pretty much ignored him.

Tweek panicked, did Craig told his family about the breaking up already!? And they were just going to pretend he didn't exist from now on? WHY!? Craig's family has been always treasured for Tweek, unlike his parents they actually cared and looked after him. WHY DOING THIS!?


The blonde busted up the door and walked into Craig's room pointing with a finger at the raven who was sitting on his bed.

"DOES THIS SEEMS FUNNY TO YOU!?" Tweek shut the door behind with a loud bang to give them more privacy. "I get it if you don't like me anymore! But you don't have to tell YOUR GODDAMN FAMILY to ignore my very existence he-... Craig?..."

Tweek stopped, usually Craig would be arguing back at this time... but he wasn't. He was just sitting there on his bed, messy hair and a lost expression on his face while holding his chulo hat thigh between his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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