True love hurts.

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------ Summary -------

Mr. Mackey is worried about Craig's marks on his skin.


It's been such a long time.

How many times has he walked the same path? The seats, the door, the words written in the little window are the same but everything seems so nostalgic like if years has passed.

Craig opened the door and walked in, greeted by a voice that seemed to come from the past... at least for him. Why was he forced to come here again after such a long time?...

"Oh Craig! Come in M'Kay."

Craig hesitated for a second, but decided just to end it up as quick as possible and face whatever he did.

"Please take a sit Craig, M'Kay...?"

Craig closed the door behind and sit down in the chair as told. "What did I do now?"

Mr. Mackey seemed a little surprised, he then sigh and stood from his desk to take a sit in the chair right in front of the boy, they look at each other for a moment. Craig seemed confused locking at Mr. Mackey's worried expression, like looking carefully for his next words. That just made the boy more anxious.

"Well... you ain't do anything bad, M'kay... Le-Let me say, I'm very proud of you Craig, M'kay?. Since you've been dating Tweek you've been send to detention less and less? Right now, it's been over a month since you ain't get detention of any kind and that's great Craig! ... M'Kay?"

That was truth, since Tweek became his boyfriend Craig appreciated his time out of school way more, less time at school means more time with Tweek.

His attitude was still difficult and used to be send to detention once in a while, but he has promised Tweek to be better and he has survived a whole month without detention, he felt like a proud alcoholic saying he has stay sober for a long time. Yet... there was still a question...

"Then why am I here? Why would you want to see me if I didn't do anything wrong?"

"Well... ehmm... you know, as the school counselor you can talk to me about any problem you have... anything harsh going through your life....... M'kay?"

Mr. Mackey talked slow like waiting for an answer between words, but found silence. Craig didn't understand where this was going at all, what did it mean?

"I guess...? Ahmm... can I go now?"

"Craig, let me get this straight. Pun not intended..." Was that a 'no'?..."Since you've been dating Tweek you has change a lot, M'kay? You don't get into trouble... at all... and you are way nicer with many and that's good! But in the other side, I've noticed a lot... ehmmm... of scars, and marks and bruises on you too..."

Craig instinctively looked at his hands, they were all scratched and everything continued beneath his sleeves with more injuries and a lot of bruises on his arms some already healing, some others fresh.

He remembered looking at the mirror this morning, there were marks on his face too, and hidden by his clothes on his torso and legs as well, he knew about this. What was the big deal?

" I'm a little worried ehmm... that you might have a complicated relationship?..."


"Craig, being serious here... well, we know Tweek is actually pretty strong and... ha-has he ever been abusive on you like..."

"Stop it!"

"D-Don't need to be all defensive, I know it's hard to talk about thi-"

"NO! Just stop it! Tweek is a wonderful boyfriend and he is not abusing me!"

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