A new gnome in town.

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------ Summary -------

Some of Craig's clothes are disappearing and a new 'gnome' is born.


Sunday morning. Craig was just waking up cursing as always, the sun was up slapping his whole face trough the window, that bitch. Without a thicc curtain to block it since his mother didn't want his room to look so 'emo like' he just sighed and forced himself up.

After a quick visit to the bathroom and a shower, he brushed his hair, put his hat on along some socks, pants, shoes and a shirt but... something was missing...

"Where the heck is it?..."

Craig looked everywhere in his closet, the drawers and even under the bed. Nothing. He went downstairs to check the living room, maybe he drop it on a hurry? Nope. Nothing at the dinner room either.

The boy went downstairs once more directly to the basement and looked at the laundry basket and the dryer machine. Nothing there.

The raven groaned and went upstairs to his room again. It was getting late and he had plans with Tweek today, he had to get going now.

Digging on his closet once more he finally found out what he was looking for. A navy blue jacket he now was glad didn't throw away last time. He put the jacket on just to realize why he didn't use it anymore. He was starting that awful phase when kids start growing up non stop, so even if the jacket fit nice around his torso since he'd always been skinny, the sleeves and the length of the cloth were other story.

He looked at his reflection on the mirror, he looked dumb... the sleeves barely reached half the way from his elbow to his wrist and his belt wasn't just visible at the bottom, but also part of his shirt. He debated with himself if he should go looking like a dumbass or ratter risk it to get hypothermia from the cold weather.

"Agh! Fuck it..."

He'd go looking like a dumbass. From being laugh by Tweek or tolerate a whole week on bed dealing with such annoying thing as being sick and make Tweek dead worried about it... the first option was less of a risk.

But there was still the question, were was his favorite jacket? But most importantly... where were his other two spare jackets? The questions buzzed on his mind until he realized he was in front of Tweek's door. He ringed the bell and some steps could be hear getting closer.

"Hey, Craig! You're ju-" The blonde stopped and just stared at him for a few seconds before laugh out loud.

"Yeah, nice to see you too. You asshole." Craig walked in with Tweek behind trying to catch his breath.

"Wha-What happened!? How could you fuck up a laundry so bad!? I mean... you have this weird thing about it."

"I didn't. I just don't use to wear this anymore but I had no choice." The raven answered leading to the blonde's room.

"Whatever, man. Look at the bright side, I was running out of thing to poke fun on you about."

"Yay." The noirette said sarcastically. He didn't mind it much tho. The huge smile on Tweek's face and some tears of joy still on his eyes for how much he laughed were kinda worth it as long as nobody else knows.

"So, what's today plan?" The blonde asked with a shy smile. Craig just mentioned hanging out, but on sundays they usually turned those casual hanging out on little dates.

"Chill for a little bit and maybe we'll have lunch later somewhere. I'd rather order something today since I'm wearing... this..." Tired of his clown-look the raven took off the jacket and threw it away without much care.

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