Two faced lover.

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Whenever Tweek talks about his boyfriend, none believes he is talking about the same Craig everybody knows.


It was a cold morning in South Park, the wind blew, a freezing breeze danced along a messy gold mane. Tweek was sitting on the playground. As usual, nothing but his dress up green shirt, his nose and cheeks red for the cold but he seemed unbothered at all, the warm coffee on his hands seemed to be enough heath for him.

"Dude! What the fuck!?" A familiar voice exclaimed. "It's freezing and you are wearing nothing but... THAT!?" Clyde pointed out Tweek's outfit. He just smiled at the group approaching.

"Seriously tho, you could get very sick. You should cover a little more, Tweek." Said Token.

"Y-yeah! M-Maybe you could ask your ro-ro... your Romeo to heat you up a bit?"  Jimmy winked, a fist hitting his shoulder almost made him lost balance.

"Shut up. He's seen worst, leave him alone." Craig protested.

"But it's soooo cold, Craig!" Clyde complained. "I'm cold too! Warm me up with a hug~"

"Fuck off, hugs are disgusting. Besides, if you are THAT cold, buy a second jacket then. It's not like it's gonna make you look fat, you already are."

"So mean!" the brunette wined again. "Do you kiss Tweek with such dirty mouth? I would never allow you to kiss me with that mouth!"

"And you have a normal one yet nobody wants to kiss you. So no need to worry."

"Hey! I've kissed Bebe many times!"

"Poor girl doesn't know better."

"Token!! Craig is being mean to me!"

The blonde smiled standing up. Indeed, he has been "wearing" his barbarian outfit even on the snow, so this was actually nothing for him, but still appreciated Clyde's worry.

"Come on, guys! We agreed to meet Tweek here to show him the new Taco shop!" The brunette wined. "You are gonna love it! It has all kind of tacos, enchiladas and burritos! And their guacamole is the best around!"

"I know, you have been talking about it the whole week." The blonde said.

"Yeah, but that's because you've been working instead of hanging out with us! It's your own fault this extended for so long."

"Fair enough..."

"Let's go already! All you can eat! Token invites anyways!"

"HEY! I never said I'll pay! Clyde! come back here!"

Token went running after the brunette, with Jimmy following close behind to see the commotion on first line. Tweek drank the last sip of his coffee and disposed the cup on the trash, he had to go today or Clyde would keep crying for the next week about the Taco Shop again.

The blonde began to walk when he felt someone pulling on his hand. It was Craig, a jacket-less Craig placing the blue cloth on the blonde's shoulders.

"I don't need it, you know?"

"I didn't asked you, you know?" The noirette continued to dress up the other one. "Even if you don't feel the cold that doesn't mean you won't get sick. I'm wearing long sleeves anyways, don't worry about me." Tweek gave a shy smile, Craig didn't like long sleeves.

"It's not warm enough then."

"Want me to hug you?"

"What about the 'hugs are disgusting' part? huh?"

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