The first time you LOVE me

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(No. It's not smut. Sorry for disappoint you.)

Craig has never been good with words, however there is ONE word Tweek truly wants to hear from him.

Warning: Might be too cheesy to handle.


Life sure is full of surprises.

Tweek still remembers the day he got forced to fight Craig Tucker, back there he didn't know him. They fought, and end up at the hospital just to end up trowing punches at each other again. 

That night after a short talk, Craig figured out the lies and manipulation they got into. Surprisingly, at the end, Craig didn't had anything against him and neither did Tweek. Craig never said anything about his mom, and he never said anything against his guinea pig. They become friends that night and maybe something else bloomed on Tweek.

The reason he got involved into this was because he was a spazz, a trouble maker, a weirdo. Yet here he was talking with Craig, a guy who didn't give a shit about any of that and was focused on make friends with the person on the bed next to him. He even invited him to join his group at school anytime.

Tweek didn't use to hang out much with him however. Craig's gang sure had a lot of people AND THAT WAS WAY TOO MUCH PRESSURE! But it was always nice to know the invitation for him to join was always up if he felt like to.

For some reason he ended up hanging out with Stan, Kyle and Cartman. But everything was just way too intense and stressful for him. Once alone he started to look at Craig's direction again.

He always felt like he'd be just annoying, but after studying the gang, he realized that might not be trouble at all. Clyde was the second biggest crybaby in school, the throne however still belong to Cartman. Token was kinda of  a pussy sometimes, and even if he was a good kid his rich statement used to be pointed out from time to time and Jimmy had an actual criminal record. Sure there was room for another freak in there.

Not much later, the blonde figured out he was developing a crush on the raven boy. Still as part of the gang the others pointed him out from time to time, but not Craig. He just was always out of shits to give about it. In that time he found out something interesting.

No matter the situation, or how much he enjoyed something. Craig Tucker always avoided a certain word like the dark plague. The blonde looked back at his memories, "I like it." "I'd be sooo happy!" "That's sweet" were the phrases he used. It wasn't used at home either, on visits or sleepover he heard his parents say it, a "me too" or "whatever" was Craig's usual answer.

This little thing just started to buzz out on his head even more once the whole yaoi thing happened. On an extremely weird twist of fate, the boy he secretly crushed on for a while was now his official boyfriend.

He just didn't judge his condition, but also helped him out with his problem. He was always there for him, he used to hold his hand everytime, they even kissed and started walking to school together.

Tweek felt like the happiest person in the world. He still remembers the feeling of Craig's lips against his. That's when he knew it, he knew his crush was gone and was actually falling in love.


The word Craig avoided to pronounce at any cost, did he loved him? He told him he decided to be his boyfriend for his own, nobody forced him. But what if he was just being bi-curious and just wanted to taste the waters?

Tweek's frustration got interrupted by a knock on his door.


"Hello, honey." Said a brunette woman opening the door. "You have a visit. Leave the door open."

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