I'm here, you know?

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Tweek is facing difficult times and Craig is worried about him.


It's not a surprise. Not at all.

Tweek Tweak was a twitchy kid since everyone's remember. A coffee addict with huge bags under his eyes, and almost pure caffeine on his veins, specially once he leaves school and is free to drink as much coffee as he wants.

It's not surprising to see him sleeping in class every now and then. Rumors say he only sleeps a max of 3 hours at night. Taking a nap in class is something people got used to, specially on boring lectures, however at any tiny sound, the blonde jolts on his seat, all senses alert.

Today was not an exception. Math sure was a class Craig didn't enjoy at all,  he has always have problems with maths. He wouldn't mind sucking at it much if it weren't because the one struggling dividing fractions aspired to go to space.

In the middle of his dilemma, Craig spotted trough the window a messy blonde mane laying on the desk. Craig sighed, it was the second time this day, without counting how Tweek almost crashed to the floor falling asleep at lunch break, if it weren't because he was sandwiched between him and Clyde thanks to Cartman's huge ass he sure would have fall and hurt himself.

The raven tried to focus on the rest of the class, but now Tweek was on his mind and he wasn't leaving until he found out what was going on.

The bell rang and school ended. Craig rushed crossing the corridor, he didn't waited long when a certain blonde walked to him with weak and trembling steps.

"H-Hey Craig."

"Dude, are you ok?" Asked the noirette claiming his hand as soon as the blonde approached him. "You have been way too sleepy today."

"Ugh! It's nothing... I just need some coffee, man."

"Maybe you should sleep a little more?"

"No, I just need the coffee. I'm fine."

There was no point on argue as Tweek spoke his last line as something that can't be negotiated. Hand in hand, both walked out school down the street with the weekend waiting for them.

It was a cold day, Craig actually liked it. Unlike hot days he could use his hat without his mother complaining about his brains frying for the heat, he could use the cold as an excuse to cuddle with Stripe for longer periods of time, but he also loved how the cold tinted Tweek's cheeks, nose and lips.

He couldn't help but stare everytime they changed color, it was like an invitation to him. Sure they have already kissed... once. And it was Tweek who did the move, maybe he felt bad for being too coward to be the first one, or maybe he just wanted to taste those coffee flavored lips once again, taking his time to actually enjoy them...

"Hey Craig! You heard me?"

"Ah... what?" The raven shook his head in confusion.

"I said we are here." The blonde giggled opening the door to the coffee shop. "Are YOU ok?"

"I am. Just... spacing out a little bit."

"Come on, space nerd! What about a hot chocolate for the way home?"

"Sounds good, actually."

The boys entered the coffee shop, greeted by Richard. Tweek immediately began to work on Craig's chocolate while the raven waited on a table. He observed the blonde carefully, he looked tired, his eyelids seemed heavy since he started to close his eyes for longer periods of time, just a few seconds however, Tweek rubbed his eyes and walked to the table handling the chocolate.

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