A Plan Put Into Action

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"What do you want?"

He snaps.

"I need you to do something. Go to the tree in the center of town and bring me back an ornament."

"Why do you want one?"

"It's none of your business. You work under me, remember?"

He sighs and turns around.

"How could I forget."

He mutters.


"What did Pidge want?"

I ask as Keith collapses on the bed.

"Just a gift for someone."

He rolls onto his back and Kosmo moves to lay his head on his chest.

"Is it for someone special?"

"I guess we'll find out."

"Are you excited about tomorrow?"

"Yeah, we'll see Shiro and Allura for the first time since meeting with them."

"True. We haven't seen them at all. I guess there's lots to do."

"We haven't really had anything to do lately."

"How did we have more things to do where we live?"

"Not sure."

He looks over at me.

"We haven't seen you dad at all either."

"This is around the time my mother died. He comes to the tree lighting and puts an ornament on in remembrance of her."

"That's sad. Is he okay?"

"Yeah. He just likes to remember her alone."

"I bet she was amazing."

"She was. Anora doesn't remember much. Just that she had the warmest personality. Everyone lit up when she entered a room."

I shake my head and my focus turns back to him. He's watching me fondly and I narrow my eyes.


"I like it when you talk about your family. It's sweet."

"Do you have any stories?"

"Besides my dad dying, my mom kidnapping me from Earth, claiming Shiro as my brother, finding Kosmo, then falling in love with you? No."

"Aw, falling in love with me."

"It was bound to happen. You're very hard to resist."

"It's my specialty."

I wink and we both burst into laughter.


I watch as he walks through the crowd and into the alley where I'm waiting. He stops in front of me and holds out a round plastic bulb. I take it from him and he shoots me a glare as I hold it.

"What now?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

I lift my other hand over it and close my eyes. I chant the words under my breath until I hear a faint click and a hiss. When I open my eyes the bulb has changed to a dark black with purple swirls. I hand the bulb back to him and he takes it cautiously.

"What was that?"


I grin.

The Turned Prince Christmas Special (Swan Princess AU)Where stories live. Discover now