Nice To See You Again

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As soon as we enter I hear the sound of pounding footsteps.


I turn as my little sister calls out to me.


She jumps at me and we fall into a pile on the floor.

"You're here!"

She cheers.


A strict voice says from behind.

"Get off the floor! You're wearing a dress."

Allura scolds. Anora and I both stand as Allura waddles closer.

"Hey Llura. How are you doing?"

She glares at me.

"Shut up."


"If you make one more comment about me getting pregnant a week after my wedding I'll kill you."

I put my hands up in surrender.

"Will do."

She sighs and rubs her side.

"I'm dying. I'm seriously dying."

"Isn't your due date in like a week?"


She growls.

"Everything is happening so fast. I just want a break."

"I bet."

"Hey guys."

Shiro says from behind Allura. We all watch as he steps up next to her.

"How are you guys doing? Is the castle good?"

"It's fine."

I feel something rub against my arm and glance over to see Anora. She leans closer to me before whispering.

"Can I come live with you guys? Allura is killing me. Literally killing me."

I laugh softly and nudge her.

"I wish. Dad wouldn't allow it though."

She frowns.


"Where is he by the way?"

"His office."


I look over as Shiro and Keith talk.

"How are things going with you two?"

Anora asks when she sees where I'm looking.

"Great. It's going really well and I couldn't be happier."


"We only have Kosmo."

"What do you mean?"

"Kosmo is our only family member there. It's kind of lonely."

"Have you talked about it?"

"Yeah. We both want kids."

"That's good."

I look over at her.

"It's a longer process than you think."

"That's why I should come live with you."

We grin at each other before Allura speaks up.

"Your room is your old one."

I turn my attention to her.


"Your room. Where your staying is the same as before."

"Oh, thanks."

She nods and lets out a heavy sigh.


The Turned Prince Christmas Special (Swan Princess AU)Where stories live. Discover now