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I realize that this is hard for both of us
far apart from each other
have compulsion in reality that we face with our daily lives
try to deal with all the obstacles that are in front of us
I know our situation is very complicated
complicated in any way
make ourselves sometimes worse in compulsion
the deepest emptiness in contempt
immersed in each other's emptiness

fair life if we want to choose
what is our choice so far wrong?
Because the life that I live now is not the life I want
live it with compulsion
make my life more and more felt like old roots, g gnawing hearts that Haus Alan means the true love

I will wait for you even though it will take a long time
I will wait for you even though it will make me fall in pain that I will be lonely
I will wait for you even though I know it requires strength that is not just ordinary strength
the power that comes from superheroes
superheroes who are within each of us without us knowing it

I will wait for you with all my strength
even though you know I'm not that strong
but for you I will do it
Because we know the same
that we cannot live far apart
Because indeed we are destined to become one
one taste .... one soul ... one love ...
true love

© mynightprayerwords | © poembyselly
~Selly A~

Art painting by ©Mike Brennan

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