♡you saved my life♡

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tylerrjoseph: thank you for what you wrote, josh and i love you. stay alive for us, okay?

soschlorine: WHAT

soschlorine: OH MY GOD YOU READ THAT?

tylerrjoseph: we read everything you guys give and send us. you just happened to leave your instagram at the bottom of your letter so I decided to shoot ya a message.

soschlorine: i'm not crying.

soschlorine: not at all.

soschlorine: okay but in all seriousness, thank you for reading that. I've been wanting to say those things to you guys for so long, you saved my life.

tylerrjoseph: you're welcome, but did we though?

soschlorine: i just said you did wdym?

tylerrjoseph: i think you mean changed. you used our music as a tool to help you, but did we personally barge into your room and tell you to keep living?

soschlorine: huh.

soschlorine: i guess i've never thought about it like that.

soschlorine: damn it you're right. coward.

tylerrjoseph: hEY


tylerrjoseph: but yes I am indeed correct.

soschlorine: not that i mind it, but why are you still talking to me? don't you have famous person things to do?

tylerrjoseph: "famous person things"

tylerrjoseph: i kinda love that.

soschlorine: answer my question you pieceof shof.

tylerrjoseph: shhh, your stan is showing.

tylerrjoseph: also no, i don't have famous person things to do. not for a while at least. i free for the next week. plus you seem fun, sooo.

soschlorine: tyler joseph just said i was fun

soschlorine: not to be dramatic but i want that written on my grave.

soschlorine: here lies daisy, tyler joseph said she was fun. that's all that matters.

tylerrjoseph: daisy? that's your name?

soschlorine: yeah, why?

tylerrjoseph: it's beautiful.

soschlorine: just kidding i want that written on my grave.

soschlorine: also thank you.

tylerrjoseph: you're welcome.
            tylerrjoseph followed you.


a brief inquiry into online relationships {tyler joseph}//UNDERGOING EDITING Where stories live. Discover now