♡don't @ me♡

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@softclikkie: tyler just followed me on instagram i am the number 1 clikkie don't @ me.

@tylerrjoseph: @softclikkie whoops sorry didn't mean to @ you.


soschlorine: yes you did tyler you coward.

tylerrjoseph: i don't know what you're talking about, madame.

tylerrjoseph: also what did i say about calling me a coward on here?

soschlorine: yeah yeah, it's reserved for twitter or whatever. i don't care.

tylerrjoseph: don't sass me, i'm sad.

soschlorine: who the hell hurt you? i need a name and number.

tylerrjoseph: calm down, it's stupid really. i'm really happy for josh and debby but them being all lovey-dovey just makes me miss jenna.

soschlorine: aw, ty. i know how hard it must be, i don't blame you. i would be sad too if i was in your situation. it broke my heart when i heard about what happened.

tylerrjoseph: mine is still a bit torn. it gets easier as time goes on, but some days are just...rough. i loved her so much.

soschlorine: i know ty. we loved her too. but think about it this way, at least she doesn't have to wake up in pain anymore. she's better now.

tylerrjoseph: yeah. it was horrible to watch it happen. cancer is a bitch.

soschlorine: the bitchiest bitch. i'm so sorry. i wish i could just reach into the screen and give you a big hug.

tylerrjoseph: thank you, daisy. it feels so good to talk about it. i haven't done that in a while.

soschlorine: that's what the clique is here for, tyler. you've helped us so much, it's only fitting that we return the favor.

tylerrjoseph: thank you. i love every single one of you. and yes, that includes you as well.

soschlorine: we love you too. and i guess maybe i might love you or whatever.

tylerrjoseph: yeah sure, you and i both know you probably write fanfiction about me and you so wish that you were the main character.

soschlorine: not even! i would never partake in such a thing.

tylerrjoseph: mhm. hey, random question, how old are you?

soschlorine: 28

tylerrjoseph: cool. we're only two years apart.

soschlorine: yeah you're old.

tylerrjoseph: rUDE.

soschlorine: the truth hurts, bud.

tylerrjoseph: you're so mean.

tylerrjoseph: also why are we talking like we've known each other for years?

soschlorine: idk, maybe it's because i've known about your existence for almost four years.

tylerrjoseph: you've been a fan for that long?

soschlorine: yup. best decision i've ever made.

tylerrjoseph: aww thank you.

tylerrjoseph: also what pronouns do you prefer to go by? i don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable or misgender you or anything.

soschlorine: i go by she/her pronouns. thank you for asking, you're the sweetest.

tylerrjoseph: anytime, i just wanted to make sure.

soschlorine: ew i have to go. i don't want to, but my friend just knocked on my door.

tylerrjoseph: aww okay. i'll talk to you soon.


a brief inquiry into online relationships {tyler joseph}//UNDERGOING EDITING Where stories live. Discover now