♡look out baby, it's joshua dun!♡

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~d a i s y~
"literally WHAT the fuck tyler!" i exclaimed, annoyed at my now laughing boyfriend who was laying next to me in the bed.

"dude...you don't understand" he said through laughter, "i thought i was doing so well and now here we are." he was now clutching his stomach and a stray tear was now flowing down his cheek.

"i literally look like a fucking rat. how does one royally fuck up a sim this badly?" i said, pointing at the laptop screen. suddenly, the sound of a doorknob turning caught my attention. i looked over to see my nurse for the day walking towards me. she had wavy brunette hair and green emerald eyes that you could spot from miles away. she flashed us a nice smile, and i gave a weak one in return.

"how are we today?" she asked. i looked over at tyler who had finally managed to calm down, but i could tell he was stifling a laugh. i look back at her and i decide to answer for the both of us.

"we're alright, i just have one question though." tyler knew exactly where i was going with this, which made it harder for him to not break out into laughter.

"fire away." she replied. I slowly turned the laptop towards her and pointed at the screen. I could see the confusion in her eyes, which made it all the more amusing to tyler and i.

"does this look like me AT ALL to you?" she let out a small chuckle and replied,

"no, it looks like a gremlin. was this his doing?" she asked while pointing at a now red faced tyler.

"one hundred percent." she started to laugh and now we were all cracking up into a fit of giggles. it was the happiest i'd been in the few days that i've been here. the nurse's laughing had calmed down, and soon ours did too.

"there actually is a reason why i'm in here. you'll have a visitor soon. in like-" she pauses glancing upward as she starts to think. "twenty minutes." she finished. i nodded and gave her a smile, and with that she walks out of the room. as soon as the door closes, i look over at tyler in a frenzy.

"tyler! i haven't washed my hair in days and i'm wearing an ugly hospital gown! i'm not ready for visitors! i might actually look like a gremlin" tyler chuckles and leans his head comfortingly on my shoulder.

"relax, daisy. you've just had surgery. nobody's gonna judge you, i promise." he reassures.

"do you know who's coming?" i asked.

"nope!' he said, popping the 'p'.  he gently took the laptop off of my lap and nuzzled his head further into my neck and draped an arm around me. i've slowly been able to sit up with the help of the bed being able to adjust up or down, things are getting a little more comfortable. although, the pain medication and the numbness is starting to fade so there have been a few painful nights. luckily, tyler can always seem to tell when something is up so he's been able to stay up with me until i fall asleep. before i know it, twenty minutes has passed and i hear a faint knock on my door.

"come in!" the door is open and in comes josh, debby, and jim!

"look out baby, it's joshua dun!" josh announces, the sound of jim's playful panting muffling it.

"you guys!! what are you doing here?" I exclaim.

"coming to see you!! how are you feeling, love?" debby asks. jim starts to escape debby's firm grasp, making her struggle to hold him back, but she manages to do so. "jim! stay!" debby commands. almost reluctantly, jim sits down and looks up at me with begging eyes.

"eh." i reply, finally answering her question. "better now that you guys are here!" out of my peripheral vision, i can see tyler start to smile. i look over at him and furrow my brows knowingly. "you did know about this, didn't you?"

"yeah..maybe a little." he answers.

"is THAT why you made my sim look like a troll? to distract me and prevent me from suspecting anything?" he nodded and started laughing.

"well it worked, didn't it?" he said through giggles. all i could do was shake my head at his unusual antics.

"wait wait wait," josh starts, "i gotta see this." as josh starts running over to the laptop, i look at debby and jim.

"debs, let the poor boy free. i missed him just as much as i missed y'all."  debby chuckles and looks down at jim who is waiting rather impatiently to run over to me.

"jim, release!" debby commands. happily, jim runs over to me with his eyes wide and tongue out.

"hi baby boy!" i exclaimed. i started to rub his head and scratch behind his ears. he looks at me with adoring eyes and i swear i melted right then. "are you my good boy? yeah? did you miss me?" jim licked my face in response. "yeah, i missed you too!" after a few more minutes of giving him attention, another needy boy started begging for my attention as well.

"i wish you loved me as much as you love jim." tyler whined playfully.

"who says i don't, attention whore." i retorted.

"but i'm your attention whore.." he replied.

"come here, dummy" i said as a gestured my arms out for him to wrap his around me. there was almost no space between us and he started to stroke my hair, even if it was oily and messy. his head rested comfortably on my chest

"so, when do you get out of here daisy?" josh asks.

"in a few weeks. doctor says i'm getting close to moving out of the surgical wing and into the rehab wing. after that,  i'll have about three weeks of therapy and i should be good to go home." i saw tyler's face fall at the mention of home. meaning texas and not ohio. he tries to brush it off before i could notice, but he was too late.

josh and debby stayed for another hour or two until they had to leave. we talked about music, tour, debby's netflix show, and what the surgery was like. after they left, it was just me and tyler. a calm and peaceful quietness entered the room, the only sound being the incessant beeping of the monitors next to me.

"hey dais?"

"yeah ty?"  there was a pause. he seemed hesitant, but he continued anyway.

"what if after this is all over...you don't have to go home?" confusion washed over me.

"what do you mean?"

"like," he paused and started to sit up, getting a better look at me. "what if you..moved in with me?" a look of panic came over his face after he said it. "i mean, i know it's really soon but i really don't want to have to leave you again. especially after all of this. we can stop by your house and pick up everything you need. my house is big enough for the two of us so we wouldn't have to make any huge investments." he paused, sighing. "look, i shouldn't have said anything. it's too-"

"yes." i cut him off. he looks taken aback.

"wait, what?" he asked, excitement rising up in his voice.

"yes. i'll move in with you. i mean, it makes sense right? we've gotten so used to being around each other. it would be weird if we weren't." i explained.

"you're serious?!"

"serious." the look of glee on his face was the most adorable thing i've ever seen. he looks like a five year old at a candy store.

"dude..dude i'm so excited. i love you. god, i fucking love you.


a brief inquiry into online relationships {tyler joseph}//UNDERGOING EDITING Where stories live. Discover now