♡ best friend ♡

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300 likes  5 comments daisyy: 🌻100 days until the best day of my life🌻lovelyanathema: I'm coming with you loldaisyy: @lovelyanathema you wish loltylerrjoseph: ^^tea🐸🍵daisyy: @tylerrjoseph perhaps I chuckledlovelyanathema: DAISY YOU COME HERE RN

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300 likes 5 comments
daisyy: 🌻100 days until the best day of my life🌻
lovelyanathema: I'm coming with you lol
daisyy: @lovelyanathema you wish lol
tylerrjoseph: ^^tea🐸🍵
daisyy: @tylerrjoseph perhaps I chuckled
lovelyanathema: DAISY YOU COME HERE RN


daisyy: my best friend is mad at me oops.

tylerrjoseph: why?

daisyy: cause I didn't tell her that you and I had been talking.

tylerrjoseph: is she a fan?

daisyy: she's been a fan for as long as I have, that's why we're friends.

daisyy: it's actually kinda funny, she stalks your twitter and instagram every night making googly eyes at you and I so badly want to say, "back off, he likes me." but that would make me sound like an obsessed fangirl.

tylerrjoseph: but I thought you were??🤔



tylerrjoseph: aww, daisy. yes I still like you. very much. I wouldn't know how to stop even if I tried.

daisyy: god, june 23rd can't get here fast enough. I just wanna see you.

tylerrjoseph: I know. but like you said, 100 more days. we can do it. how are you feeling today?

daisyy: I'm in so much pain. it's one of those kind of days. I don't know why, I've barely done anything today.

tylerrjoseph: I'm sorry daisy. I wish I could be there to make it better.

daisyy: you are making it better, trust me.

daisyy: did I ever tell you what disability I actually have?

tylerrjoseph: no, I've never asked. I figured you would tell me when you felt comfortable.

daisyy: it's cerebral palsy. I was born with it. my mom got sick while she was pregnant with me and had to have an emergency c-section. I was born 3 months early. 2 pounds, 5 ounces. because my birth was so traumatic, it caused brain damage. it's all I've ever known. it's okay, though. I'm lucky it only effects my legs. it could've been so much worse.

tylerrjoseph: I'm so happy you felt comfortable enough to tell me. you really are something, you know that?

daisyy: yeah, I'm something alright.

tylerrjoseph: something beautiful.

daisyy: lol that's so funny tyler. like really funny.

tylerrjoseph: what? it's true. you're so beautiful it's frustrating. like I get flustered whenever I look at you because it's just impossible for someone to be THIS beautiful. but here you are. being all beautiful and shit.

daisyy: me @ you when I first saw you

daisyy: no seriously I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. you're such a gorgeous human.

tylerrjoseph: I know.

daisyy: why do I even try?

tylerrjoseph: cause you adore me.

daisyy: well I mean...you're not wrong. I do in fact adore you.

tylerrjoseph: you know something?

daisyy: hm?

tylerrjoseph: I might just adore you too.

daisyy: "might just"?

tylerrjoseph: okay fine. yes, I do in fact adore you too.

daisyy: that's better.

daisyy: hey guess what?

tylerrjoseph: what?

daisyy: I'm not hurting so much anymore.


a brief inquiry into online relationships {tyler joseph}//UNDERGOING EDITING Where stories live. Discover now